𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝔀𝓮𝓷𝓽𝔂 - 𝓽𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮

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Tomorrow we're finally going home. I'm so fucking happy to finally getting the chance of sleeping in a comfy bed and not having to do stupid hikes every day. I'm missing my home a lot including the times when the whole friend group would hang out in the garage and listen to music the band was practicing. The garage is on Tom and Bill's poarch that used to be their parents' old trash house. By the help of us all we renovated it into a cool hang out place and their bands practice room. There are couches there, a tv, fridge, even a small kitchen! For the toilet tho we have to use the house since the garage was to small to build a toilet in.

"Students, as we all know tomorrow we'll be leaving this camping place. The teachers and I have decided that for today we'll make bracelets out of nature which includes wood, rocks, sticks, plants, anything that is natural!" The teacher said as everyone groaned in annoyance. We're gonna make bracelets, fucking bracelets. I hope that they've realised that we're not some 5 year old kids but a whole 18 year old adults!

"Can't we do anything that's more adult-like? Why not making a selfie scavenger hunt instead?" Tom said in a loud tone so the teacher would hear him.

"Well we're trying to exclude the mobile devices as much as possible so if you have any other recomendations that involve nature and not electronics then maybe we can change the plans." The teacher said smilling at Tom. Everyone was looking at him wanting him to drag us out of this shit but I spoke up instead.

"It think it's a great idea if you just let us have a small party a little later in the evening. We can be free till around 5 pm and then make a small party with music, fun party games, and stuff like that." I said. Everyone agreed with me but the teachers weren't so sure about it.

"It is a good idea but please don't include alcohol or any type of smokes. I know you guys are grown adults that can already to both of that but please let's try to not include those." The teacher said. She just ruined the whole ass idea of the party.

"It's only fair if we can drink low alcohol drinks." A student in the crowd said and the teacher let out a big sigh.

"I don't want any of your parents complain about you guys being drunk and having a headache. Please watch out for how many drinks you drink. You guys are dissmissed." The teacher walked away aswell with other teachers as Diane shook me from the back.

"Alison you're a fucking genius!" She hugged me thightly for saving them all.

"Good job for getting us out of this shit Narf." Tom smiled at me. "I'm gonna tell your mom about this, she's gonna be proud for once." He joked making me glare at him.

"Shut up Kaulitz. Your mom is gonna be even more proud when she hears that you drank her most expensive whiskey." I said looking up at him. Our mother's met at college and clicked instantly. Their friendship stuck together even through tough times like my mom's suden pregnancy with my sister at 22 and then a few years later with me. When she was pregnant with me she was lucky to have her pregnant best friend by her side who later gave birth to Tom and Bill three days after I was born. 

"I thought you were on my side, babe." He said before Bill hit his shoulder.

"Stop being such a baby and suck it up." Bill said in a annoyed tone before turning to me. "Thanks for saving us Al." He smiled showing his beautiful smile lines.

"No problem." I said smilling back at Bill. Me and Bill were like besties when my mom drove me to their house when we were little. I always got along with Bill so much better than with Tom. Tom used to bully me all the time which lead him to being my enemy over the years but Bill was always by my side and protected me from the stupid Tom he is. 

My back hit the bathroom wall and before I knew it Tom's lips crashed on mine urgently. His hand moved around my slim waist as the other one placed on the wall beside my head for support. God this man is so dreamy. I love the way his lips feel on mine and the way he tastes is just so.. UIHSDECWF. I want to spend the rest of my life with this man. I don't even mind it anymore when someone calls him hot because I agree with them so soo bad!

My hands slid around his neck and Tom's tounge slipped in my mouth. Our tounges kept rumbling with each other, tasting each other and I swear to god that every time we did that I can taste the bitter taste of tobacco on his tounge. You could tell that this man smokes three cigarettes a day without knowing it. The craziest part is that I don't even mind. I smoke too but he is on another fucking level.

His hand wasn't on my waist anymore. I was to busy thinking of his taste that I didn't even notice him squezzing my fucking ass. My nails dug in his skin and I pulled away to catch my breath. My head rested on one of his broad and muscular shoulders as I tried catching my breath.

"I wasn't finished." He whispered in my ear as I felt his hot breaths on my skin sending cold shivers down my spine. 

"I know, sorry." I said in a quiet tone. He pinched my ass making me wince. "Ouch!" 

"Don't aphologise for stupid stuff. I never told you to say sorry, I just told you what my plan originaly was!" He said to me in a harsh tone. I pulled my head away from his shoulder to look at him.

"Shut up Hagrid. I can say whatever the hell I want." I kissed him again but this time even more harshly. He kissed me back in an instant both of his hands wrapping around my waist, this time even tighter.


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