I am strangely excited...

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"Eomma, I'm heading out!" [엄마 <eomma> is the Korean way to address ones mother.]

A raven haired boy with a bright expression was looking towards the kitchen table where his mother was sitting; drinking her usual dark coffee out of her extra-large coffee mug that he had bought her for mother's day a few years ago. A bright smile appeared on his face upon seeing his usually nagging mother sitting quietly there, not punishing him for going out with friends instead of studying.

"Be home early!"

The teen had already closed the door by the time his mother had given her response. The woman in her mid-forties let out a sigh and shook her head. Her light brown hair was already turning grey on the roots; she would have to dye it sometime later that week. Her clear, light brown eyes were closed now that her eldest son was out – once again.

Today was the last day of holiday before break was over and school would begin.

And what was her oldest son doing? Instead of studying like his older sister or younger brother he was fooling around with a bunch of just as useless boys! While the thought made her quite angry, she decided to let her husband handle her son.


Speaking of the devil. A smile appeared on her face as she saw her husband walking into the small yet comfortable and love-filled kitchen. He was wearing his formal business attire. He worked in a major company that was producing all sorts of soft-drinks.

"Tsk, how can you go looking like that, huh? Tae Woo, do you want your peers to think you only own one set of suits?"

Choi Tae-Woo started smiling and shook his head as he approached his wife and kissed her on the forehead.

"No my love~ I want to make them jealous that their wives can't make it so that they can continuously wear the same business suit the whole week without being smelly."

Tae Woo then sat down and took a sip of his wife's hot coffee. He scrunched up his face and flinched upon the strong taste. Choi Jin Ah couldn't help but sneer at him.

"Tsk, you do this every morning. Shouldn't you already know how much you dislike my coffee?"

Tae Woo shook his head and openly stared at his beloved wife. He still loved Jin-Ah just as much as when he had first laid eyes on her – no, even more than back then. There was an unexplainable connection the two of them shared the very moment their eyes had met. Maybe it truly was the legendary red string of fate.

"But I know that you don't ever let anyone else drink or eat your things. It's a way I can make sure you won't fall out of love with me."

Jin-Ah couldn't hold her chuckle in and shook her head. She was already forty-three years old, and out of those forty-three years she had been married twenty-four. How could she not be in love with her husband?

"You're getting old, Tae Woo."

Even though her voice was harsh, the soft and loving expression on her face was enough to speak for itself.

"You say that, yet you're smiling."

Jin-Ah rolled her eyes and took another sip of her coffee while looking out of the wide kitchen window. She could see how her son was with the two neighbors' kids. She shook her head in disdain.

"Tsk, that troublemaker..."


Tae Woo of course immediately knew whom his wife was talking about. He followed her gaze only to spot his oldest son having fun with two of his friends. The three of them didn't go to the same school; hence spend lots of time outside of school together. Yet, the two boys, the twins of the neighbors, would soon move to Daejeon, since their grandmother had passed away and they had to take care of their grandfather.

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