May I introduce? Charles Crossman, the cockroach!

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Those six people were naturally the Crossman Family, Alberu's four siblings and his sister in law as well as the boyfriend of his sister. To say that they looked stunning would be an understatement as each and every single one of them was breathtaking. Even though it was rather cold outside, Giselle wore a dark purple cocktail dress with thin straps and purple platform pumps similar in color. She looked astonishing, no questions asked, but her outfit was quite skin-showing and more for another kind of event...and at another time...

The moment she noticed Cale and her younger brother staring at her, she flashed them a smile and let go of her boyfriend's hand to quickly go greet the fresh couple of the family. That was also the moment Cale and his boyfriend noticed the 10 inch heels (20cm) that Giselle wore. It was a red pair of platform pumps only seen worn by celebrities or drag queens. No wonder she seemed so tall all of a sudden.

"Cale! Oh my god, you look as stunning as the day I met you! Did you go on a diet? You didn't have to! You certainly need to gain some weight! Did Alberuri not take good care of you at all?"

Giselle then sat down on the free side next to Cale while waving her boyfriend over with her hand. Not soon after, a tall, blonde man with light brown eyes (sorry, I don't remember Valentino's eye color, please forgive me!) walked over and bowed down in front of the two teens, ignoring the other four people who were walking to take their seats.

"Good evening, congratulations. May I please excuse Giselle; you know how she behaves..."

Alberu nodded and quickly pulled Cale closer to himself. The blonde man smiled at that action. He had never imagined that Alberu would become romantically active, but the longer he looked at Cale, the more he could understand.

Cale was beautiful. Nothing like he had imagined. He thought of a handsome young man, not someone...frail and fragile! But hell, even he couldn't help but think that the redhead looked cute, and he and his soon-brother in law made a cute couple.

"My name is Valentino Caro, it's nice to meet you."

Cale nodded at that and shook Valentino's outstretched hand.

"Pleasure to meet you. My name is Cale Henituse."

Valentino had a genuine smile on his lips as he nodded and then sat down on the couch next to Giselle, of course he didn't forget to greet Zed first.

After that, everyone was seated. Cale saw that Robbit wasn't on his phone this time; he was sitting on the armchair next to his father, now having a look of disinterest on his face. On the small sofa next to the young boy was Austin. Instead of looking cold and distanced like last time, he had a soft expression on his face and a smile on his lips. But he wasn't really looking at Cale and Alberu but at a short, black-haired beauty.

Contrary to Giselle who seemed to mistake the season, the black haired beauty wore a long-sleeved, warm looking black dress with boots. Her black eyes were, contrary to Austin, focused on Cale. As soon as the two of them locked eyes, she smiled and bowed down slightly.

Cale could tell that she was Asian, maybe even Korean.

"Hello, my name is Mary Crossman. It is nice to finally meet the boy whom my husband is so worried about."

As soon as she said that, Austin's expression changed and he looked incredibly embarrassed, making almost everyone laugh. The same couldn't be said for Cale, Alberu, Robbit and the disrespectful looking boy sitting on the last armchair on Zed's other side.

Even though he had blonde hair as well, his wasn't as golden as Alberu's, or as white as Giselle's. His looked a bit browner and his eyes weren't brown or blue but green. Quickly Cale could tell that that man was the person Alberu was so worried about. Charles Crossman.

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