Apparently I am a superstar now?

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It was early morning of following day that Alberu woke up due to his phone refusing to shut up. Well, more like the people calling him refusing to stop calling him even if he didn't take their first, like ten calls. Groaning Alberu tried his best in not waking up his boyfriend who once again used his body as a pillow. Well, he couldn't say that he disliked it as he practically begged him to do it so he could sleep once again with Cale on one bed instead of the couch.

Don't get him wrong, the couch was nice and all, but if he had the choice between it and his boyfriend he would always chose the latter without hesitation.

Alberu stretched his body and somehow managed to reach his phone without waking up his boyfriend. He smirked upon finally reaching his phone without waking up his beloved and somehow even managed to swipe the accept button. He groaned as he saw that it was just four am. He still had a full hour of sleep, unlike his sleep-deprived boyfriend who had double of his amount!


Tired people were known to be incredibly sensitive and irritable.

"Dear council president, you have a problem it seems."

"What the fuck? Who's that?"

Paseton sighed and handed his phone to Archie who was currently sitting next to him. Archie shook his head, not wanting to explain the current situation to their beloved council president. Alberu got annoyed and was about to hang up as Paseton nodded.

"Well, the photos are online."

Alberu was confused. By now he already recognized that it was Paseton calling him, seemingly with someone else listening in. So what photos was that punk talking about? And at this hour?

"Are you crazy? Haaa, you're driving me nuts, call me in the morning, good night."

Just as Alberu was once again about to hang up, Archie yelled at him to stop. Alberu let out a devastated sigh.

"What the hell, hurry it up, Cale is still sleeping, damn it!"

"The photos that someone took at your lunch gathering are out."

Probably this was a bad dream, wasn't it?

Yeah, there was no way in hell Paseton was calling him at this hour just to inform him about some photos. Yeah, paparazzi always lingered around the Crossman mansion, but he made sure that none of them got even half a glimpse of Cale. Besides, photos of him got leaked all the time; there was nothing too outrageous about that.

"What the fuck? You call me cuz of that?"

"I don't think you understand, Alberu. Those aren't just photos but also a video. But if you say it's nothing..."

Alberu sighed. They truly were calling him at this ungodly hour because of something like paparazzi. Hell, were they really his friends? What if they would have woken up Cale, huh? He was certain he told them that their flight was very early in the morning anyway.

"Well, did you win at least?"

This time, it wasn't Paseton who talked but Archie who asked the question.

'Won'? Huh?

Won what?

They weren't on some funfair or anything like that were they were playing-


He fought his brother.

All of a sudden, all sleepiness vanished and Alberu sat straight up, carefully getting out of Cale's grasp and leaving the room. After he quietly closed the door, he was finally able to half-yell.

Trash of the SchoolTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon