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Cale Henituse was the son of the multi-billionaire Deruth Henituse and the fashion icon Jour Thames. Those two people met a while back in summer of 1993 when Jour was only fifteen years old and about to enter the prestigious boarding school Roan Academy in her hometown Manchester.

She was an incredibly beautiful woman and the daughter of two very proud and loving people. Her mother, who was always incredibly supportive and her father, who was incredibly protective of her, were two dream parents and Jour's only idols.

She had lived a normal life if one didn't point at the Baron's castle she lived in. Until middle school, she went to a normal public school and she also had normal friends. She was incredibly beautiful, she had full crimson hair that was nothing like the usual "red" hair which was actually ginger. Her pale skin in combination with her feeble body made her look like a literal Disney Princess.

Naturally someone with the looks of Jour Thames gained a certain popularity in school. But not only that but also her personality were popular. She was kind, understanding, helpful, always listened and an especially good friend.

She was someone who was liked by everyone without even doing anything. Contrary to everyone's opinion of her looking like a shy introvert, Jour Thames had been a literal trouble maker in middle school. Especially her best friends knew about that. She was the very definition of a rebel. Her laughter sounded like a dying pig and her behavior was worse than the ones of thugs. She lived for horror movies and loved a bit action.

Sports were her best subject and even though she had a weak body she always won in games fair and square.

Not to forget that Jour always threw "secret" parties whenever her parents weren't home. She also had many boys waiting for her with which she not just kissed to say the least. Her current boyfriend in summer of the year 1993 was a boy a year older than her called Ben. Bed Roger.

He was a tall, blonde boy with handsome features and nice, green eyes. He was also the complete opposite of the outgoing Jour Thames and a rather shy introvert. That was what the redheaded girl loved the most about him. Actually, contrary to the four boys she had dated before Ben, she actually thought that this relationship might become something long-term.

Her parents, as always, were supportive of her decision. Even her father, who usually hated her habit of changing boyfriends, liked the new kid. Ben was nice, kind and everything he could wish for. But it didn't matter because the boy actually liked Jour very much. So much that it was obvious to people who hadn't seen the couple even once before; he blushed whenever she smiled or even looked at him, and he had always that dumb, love-sick smile on his face.

Then, he broke up with her.

Jour never found out why Ben decided to break up with her when things were this good and she had no other choice but to believe that he no longer loved her. But that was actually wrong. The real reason was yet to uncover. It was something that would ruin Jour if she was to hear it.

Ben broke up with her in the end of August and only a few weeks later her parents died. Jour Thames' behavior changed completely and she stopped going out. Her life- it destroyed her. She didn't have someone she loved anymore when she needed it the most. Little did she know, Ben came by each and every single day with flowers and wanted to greet her, yet didn't dare do so because he was caught up in the delusion that she hated him.

Time passed, so did summer break.

In the last week of summer break, on a Monday, Jour decided to head out. She went to her secret favorite place, an old bridge in the middle of seemingly nothingness, and watched the landscape.

That was when she met her future husband.

At the time where she had lost all hope, a ray of sunshine appeared in front of her.

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