Respect the elderly!

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The atmosphere in the room was icy and incredibly uncomfortable.

While Deruth seemed to be in a very good mood, his wife and children weren't.

Violan felt shivers running down her spine after she recalled the conservation she and Deruth had in the afternoon. Cale would be coming tomorrow.

For some reason she feared the presence of her step-son and his "friend". Her guts were telling her that something big was about to happen and with time; she had learnt to trust those gut-feelings of hers.

Her children on the other hand were quick witted and immediately noticed their parent's strange moods upon entering, hence weren't in the best of moods themselves.

"Mommy could you please pass the salt?"

Violan didn't even smile as she passed the salt to her daughter. Basen frowned as he noticed that happening. His only hope was that this mood would soon vanish; he also wanted his normal father back instead of such a strange smiling figure who seemed to be in the best of moods.

It was all because of the conservation the couple previously had.

A few hours earlier, after lunch, Violan got a call.

It was no other than her husband telling her the good news of his son's visit.

Violan, who had been thinking that Cale might have died, couldn't describe the relief she felt going through her veins. Then she asked her husband how he knew.

'Cale called yesterday evening and asked me for help, so I send a few people to pick him and his people up. I just felt the need to inform you since he'll be arriving in the morning.'

Violan had never seen her husband fulfill such a shameless act. How could he not tell her that Cale was safe and alive? How could he leave her clueless? How could he sleep next to her the whole night, kiss her in the morning, eat her breakfast and laugh with her before work while knowing it all along? How dare he?!

'Oh, I just thought about it, but Joo Ho-Shik will also come by in the morning, he hasn't seen Cale in such a long time and wishes to check his condition- ah, he also wanted to give him some pills! Hahaha!'

Violan didn't know what to say; therefore she simply walked out of the room and ignored Deruth until now. She also didn't plan on stopping ignoring her stupid, self-centered and arrogant husband anytime soon.

Basen and Lily exchanged looks and quickly finished their dinner to head up the stairs. Both of them were unaware that in the morning a very important person to them would be arriving.


At another place, two pilots looked at each other and sighed as they stared at the seemingly pitch black sky. They then looked outside the window of their vast cockpit only to see a black car approaching their plane.

It wasn't their plane exactly, but the private jet they were instructed to fly here and then back to South Korea on their boss' command. Naturally, their boss was no other than Deruth Henituse who had instructed them to pick up his first son.

Both pilots were rather fresh in the company and hence didn't know that Deruth had another son since nobody ever spoke about Deruth having three children.

"Baek Khan, you should rest first."

Baek Khan looked up at the man who was hired after him yet was by ten years older than him and hence his senior.

"It's okay Mr. Lee, I am still full of energy. Furthermore, this is very important. Mr. Henituse instructed us to be especially careful since his son's plane just had a crash landing."

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