A foyer isn't a lounge! Where are your manners?!

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One sentence prior: The lunch with the Crossmans did not go well.

Cale stared at the corner in front of him while Alberu stared at his asshole of a brother, both ready to get into a fight. Zed Crossman stared at the on the floor lying food, then lifted his gaze to look at his bitch of a son.

Giselle chuckled awkwardly and tucked her elbow into Austin's ribs. Robbit didn't even look at the drama in front of him and simply continued to play a game on his phone, or whatever thing a teenager of fourteen years of age could do on a phone.

"Who wants cake?" AUSTIN

~Two hours and twenty-one minutes earlier~

A little past 12pm the gates of the Crossman Residence opened. Contrary to the Henituse Residence, this wasn't even that big, only as big as their Residence in Manchester. To Cale, it was surprising as he was used to those grand, elegant mansions while every house owner wanted to show off their wealth.

Still, the Crossman Family's Residence was no joke. Even if it was incomparable in size to the Henituse Family's Residence (honestly, which family was comparable?), it was astonishing. Alberu smirked knowingly.

The mansion was completely white, yet it didn't have as much as a single dirt-stain on its façade. The roof was made out of midnight blue bricks. The snow on it made them look even more magical. But the house in itself wasn't the impressing part – it was the beautiful garden around it, you could compare it towards those mystical manhwa-gardens of fantasy web-novels.

There was even a (frozen) water-fountain!

Back in South Korea in the Henituse Family's main residence the garden was just a piece of green grass without as much as flowers. Okay, there was also a table and a few chairs in case one wanted to diner outside. Naturally Cale would fall in love with such an amazing made garden.

"Close your mouth my dear, else some insect will fly in there."

Cale looked up at Alberu, lastly decided to show him his tongue. Contrary to the redhead's expectations, Alberu leaned forward and kissed his boyfriend. Actually, he had waited the whole time just to do that, after all he couldn't just openly kiss Cale in front of his overprotective butler and cook nor in front of the driver who seemed to report everything to the scary butler.

"Huh, you were right about that."

Alberu who didn't get the joke turned around after hearing someone erupt into a fit of laughter. The very second he laid eyes on whoever it was he rolled them, putting his arm around his boyfriend's thin waist.


The teen wasn't able to hide his annoyed voice, but the older man didn't seem to even notice it. Zed nodded and approached the couple. He then, instead of just a simple handshake, hugged Cale and patted his son on the shoulder.

"Yes, yes, I am happy to see the two of you here as well. I have been waiting for you! Come on inside, it is incredibly cold out here!"

With big steps and an even bigger grin stuck on the man's face, he approached the main door of the mansion. Contrary to its modern style, the door was in a dark wooden color, but it didn't look bad at all.

After entering the warm house, the three of them quickly took off their coats. Cale was a bit hesitant at first, but Alberu quickly pulled his coat down without the redhead being able to do anything against that.

"Ho, have you been on a diet or what?"

Zed's joke wasn't funny and he quickly took it back, taking the death-stare of his son and the floor-stare of his son's boyfriend very serious. 'Nothing will be said about how he looks and especially his weight', the man noted himself.

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