The old, dying man told me to go fuck myself.

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It was a bit after Alberu and Cale left, that Choi Han laid eyes on the gold haired boy with the sassy attitude. Robbit Crossman, he knew the boy rather well due to him having to meet him during school festivals. As he was often with the council president, he was also around his festival.

Choi Han hated Robbit with a passion. Sometimes, he just wanted to slap him in the face as hard as he could, so that it would leave a mark on his cheek for a week or two. If he could, he would also give him a high five, with a chair, in the face. Maybe then, when his bleached teeth would fall out, his mean words wouldn't be understood anymore.

He had a blank personality, maybe because he had been born with a silver spoon in his mouth. As the youngest son of Zed Crossman, he had it all and didn't need to have "character". He had the looks and so Robbit thought he didn't need more. It was just someone who acted up because they were too spoiled for their own good.

But this wasn't the only reason Choi Han couldn't stand him; he was incredibly discriminating against anyone who even looked a bit different.

"Oh man, have you seen yourself lately? Have you already thought of going to the gym? I think you also need to change your diet, Sarah."

"Hey, look at that woman! She wears a headwear! Ew, she looks so ugly!"

He was the purest racist of them all without even noticing that he was a racist. Of course people couldn't say anything against that little bitch, and whenever they did complain to his father, Robbit suddenly knew how to behave himself.

Choi Han hated such fake people. And especially rich fake people who had no idea whatsoever.

Just as he was internally complaining, the fire alarm went off and the building's self-extinguishing watering system turned on, raining down on the currently fighting students and all the viewers.

A panic went through the crowd and everyone hurried to get out as quickly as possible. The same could not be said for Robbit who got up because his family told him to. Choi Han could see his mouth moving, he certainly was complaining about the "annoying noise and water".

Choi Han cracked his fists, and then quickly headed back towards his rucksack. He took Cale's and Alberu's coats with him. He didn't worry about his friends, he was certain that they wouldn't be where the danger was. At least he hoped that he was certain.


That thought was thrown overboard as soon as he laid eyes on all of the rescued people out of the burning lab building that was currently being extinguished. He could see a feeble looking boy cuddling with a taller, blonde guy. Around the both of them was a silver blanket-like foil to warm them in the cold weather. He could also see blue and orange-reddish hair standing next to them.

Choi Han immediately approached the two couples standing there with Paseton.

"What the hell happened?"

He was too shocked to maintain his puppy like behavior right now and Cale, who wasn't used to Choi Han behaving like this, flinched. Alberu let out a sigh and only hugged Cale tighter.

"What could've happened? Use your brain for once, Choi Han. We were caught up in the fire, what else?"

Paseton, who usually would've laughed about the council president's dark humored joke, crossed his arms in front of his chest. He shook his head to indicate the seriousness of the situation.

"This is not funny Alberu, stop making bad joked about it. Not even Paseton laughs."

Rosalyn looked up at Witira who stared at Alberu with a difficult expression. Her beautiful features didn't get ugly from the frown on her angelic face. Her blue curls still looked stunning, just like her everything. Rosalyn knew that she had a beautiful girlfriend, but this was already on the level of gorgeous and godly.

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