Well...I think I fucked up?

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It would be an understatement to call the lunch with the Crossmans a disaster.

Half an hour later, at 3pm, Alberu and Cale were guided to the foyer and handed their coats. Zed accompanied the two of them while his children and the partners of his children stayed behind.

Alberu didn't look at his father, and when he did his look was a scaring one. He also didn't let go of Cale's hand, he tried to show him that he was there, yet Cale didn't speak to him even once after the whole fiasco happened. But Alberu couldn't exactly be mad at him because of that. He still recalled the ugly things that asshole of a brother dared to say out loud in front of his frail, redheaded love. He also noticed how Cale completely shut down after hearing that.

No way in hell would he ever take his boyfriend back here after all of that happened.

"Hahaha, what can I say? Come again?"

Zed's laughter sounded extremely anxious and fake. Alberu rolled his eyes at that.

"We certainly won't, thank you very much, father."

Usually, Cale would have elbowed Alberu and told him to apologize, but he didn't. Instead, he clung to Alberu's hand and pulled him forward, to quickly leave that godforsaken building and the devilish person in it.

Alberu quickly followed him, not looking at his father. Zed let out a sigh. He should have known better. His son was...very misbehaved. Maybe it was because of the little attention he gave him, or because he simply didn't know what to do since he had it all. He would have to talk to him, and additionally cut his monthly pocket money. It wasn't like Charles worked anyways.

Zed watched how his son and Cale left his mansion as quickly as they could. He then let out another sigh and shook his head. Nevertheless, he too had noticed Cale's state change after Charles mentioning him trying to commit suicide.

He didn't seem like the kid who would try to do that, but on the other hand, Zed didn't really know Cale. There were also a lot of things Zed didn't know about people. Yes, he could assess certain typed of people, but that didn't mean that he knew everything about them. What if Charles's mindless talk about that topic triggered the redhead? And before their trip to Korea nonetheless!

After standing in the foyer with the doors open and cold wind as well as snow entering his home, Zed decided to go back. He had no choice but to teach all of his children a lesson. Every single one of them misbehaved in some way, be it the food war. They shouldn't have thrown anything but talked like the adults they were. He could understand why Alberu did it, after all Cale was his boyfriend and "responsibility", he had the right to get angry on Cale's behalf. His other children didn't have that right. They should have stayed put and argued with words, as he had taught them so many times before.

Zed Crossman then headed back inside, letting his servants close the door.


At the same time, Paseton let out a tired sigh and looked at his older sister. Witira looked as fancy as ever. She was clothed into a fancy and especially heavy sapphire blue dress that was decorated with diamonds and all sorts of fancy and expensive blue gems. She was also walking in rather high high-heels so that Paseton seriously wondered how Witira didn't fall down and didn't break her neck.

It was a very good question, as her heels weren't as high as others, but still 8-inch heels.

Nevertheless, he couldn't help but think of his sister as elegant. Her wavy blue hair was as beautiful as ever and her elegant make up made her look like the most beautiful super model there was. He was a bit afraid of all the boys that were going to approach his elder sister even though it was common knowledge that she was in a relationship with Rosalyn Breck, the daughter of the CEO of Magic World.

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