You don't have clothes it seems...

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Alberu Crossman looked at the stack of papers in front of him before his gaze shifted towards his father, Zed Crossman, the current head of the Crossman family as well as the currents CEO of the cooperation.


"No need to say anything. These are just the papers you asked me for and I prepared them, son. You can just burn them if you don't need them anymore."

Alberu sighed as his gaze fell on the picture of a beautiful woman that resembled Cale as if she was his twin sister. She seemed happy with this wide smile of hers and the white teeth that were visible due to her smile. She wore a green pullover and beige pants with black boots. Her blood red hair was being played with by the wind and she tried to pin it down with her right hand. She was truly the very definition of beautiful.

"Yes, thank you very much. Then, I'm gonna go, I have an appointment with my friends."

Zed Crossman nodded and left his son alone in his work space. It was a big room on the second floor in the Crossman villa that was just a ten minute ride away from the Roan Academy. Alberu sighed as he put the stack of documents inside his folder and then pocketed it inside his backpack. He and Choi Han were determined to find out more about Cale and Cale's family situation, especially since both boys noticed their small – well, rather huge – crush on the boy.

Together with Lock and Rosalyn as well as Witira and Paseton who became Cale's friends during the last month as well, they started to investigate. They even went as far as to request information about Cale's mother, Jour Thames, from Alberu's father Zed Crossman.

Alberu felt a bit guilty as they hadn't even asked Cale about any of this, and did it kinda behind his back, but they just needed to know. As he really had an appointment with his friends and Cale, he hurried over to his driver and drove back to Roan Academy.

It had already been a month since Cale enrolled. It was currently Saturday and the friends decided to go watch a movie and then go to a restaurant and eat. Of course it had been a lot of work as they had to convince Ron to let Cale go.

They still couldn't understand why the old butler had been against it. In the end they succeeded and they had never seen Cale look so happy before. Definitely worth it.

Alberu ran to his apartment and put his rucksack there. He changed his clothes as he was currently wearing a suit, and changed into a comfortable hoodie and normal jeans. As it was the end of October already and they had the whole next week vacation, they didn't have a deadline to when they had to come back. Actually, the teenagers planned to "kidnap" Cale and make him stay with them in Choi Han's dorm.

Alberu looked smug as he thought about meeting with Cale. He felt his heart beat faster. They usually only saw him in formal clothing, even when he was in his dorm. As they had told him to wear something comfortable that wouldn't attract attention, he was excited to see him in casual clothing.

He remembered his mother's picture. Jour Thames looked so good in casual clothing! He hoped his friend looked like that as well.

As Alberu arrived by the school gate, where the friends decided to meet, he got greeted by Witira, Rosalyn, Lock and Paseton. Even though Choi Han was there too, he didn't greet the Council president at all, just as usual before Cale got involved in their lives. He was also the only one who was missing.

"Do you have the files?"

It was Choi Han who asked without looking at Alberu.

Alberu snorted.

"Of course, who do you think I am?"

Rosalyn smiled at Witira who simply shook her head. The two girls then chuckled lightly. They knew that Choi Han's and Alberu's relationship was ruff and they had been very surprised as they saw how the two boys acted around the redhead.

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