Work for me!

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Cale stared at the stack of paper work in front of him and honestly, for the first time in his life, he hoped that he'd faint. Ron smiled as he put down another stack of papers on Cale's desk. Alberu tried to smile and put his hand on Cale's shoulder to give him a feeling of comfort. Paseton and Archie, who sat next to Alberu laughed while Choi Han, Taylor, Eric, Gilbert, Amiru and Witira looked sorry for him. After all, they were sitting in Cale's apartment and making him help them without him even being a student council's member.

"...You never said anything about me having to do paperwork."

Paseton and Archie now started to laugh even louder and Witira smacked them on the back of their heads.

"Be silent."

Ron smiled benignly at them while his in his eyes laid a promise that he wouldn't forgive the students for laughing about his young master-nim's fears.

"...Well, you did say that you would help us."

Cale now turned around to look at his boyfriend. His face looked like he was ready to cry.

"And you said that my presence alone is enough! You never said anything about paperwork! And there's so much of it, dammit!"

Cale's kitten On and Hong meowed this moment and approached the student council sitting at Cale's desk. Witira immediately lifted the red kitten while his older sister ran to Cale.

The silver kitten practically begged Ron to lift her on Cale's lap and Ron did that with his usual benign smile.

"Not now, I'm busy."

Cale waved his hand at Ron's gesture as he took the first pack of papers form the stack. These was the stack with the title Expenses. He then quickly turned the pages and overflew all of the given expenses and their reasons. The redhead then took a pencil and started to cross out some of the expenses.

Alberu sighed as he saw how his boyfriend started to work. The other council members looked at Cale with confused expressions on their faces. They wanted to ask him what he was doing, but didn't dare to because of his scary butler. Choi Han, Witira, Paseton and the redhead's boyfriend were the only ones who weren't confused because of his behavior as it was normal for him.

Cale then let out a deep sigh as he put the paper down. He took a good look at the student council, then his gaze shifted back to the expenses and he shook his head in disappointment. Their management was horrible, even if they were just students. They threw money out the window as if it was trash.


The redhead looked at his boyfriend who wasn't able to suppress his smile.

"...I should've known."

He then handed the papers with the expenses to his boyfriend and looked into the program of the evening; the welcoming ceremony was at 7pm, the band played at 7.15pm. After, the stands of single clubs opened at 7.30pm while the big competition that was a fighting competition (not only physical but also mental fighting) started at 8.20pm. At 9pm, the band played once more, this time with some famous singers who were invited to join the school festival. At 9.20pm a so called "couples-event" would be starting and at 9.30pm a fortune teller would tell students their future if they gave him ten bucks. All events would go on until midnight while food was being sold the whole evening. At midnight the last big event was starting; a big quiz about trivial things that even kindergarten kids would know.

The quiz was Eruhaben's idea, as he thought it was fun to make a one hour long quiz to start a Saturday, the first day of the holiday. Of course, students were free to go earlier, but the winner of this quiz would get a special prize. Also, teachers were free to participate as well.

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