I don't want to enter the lion's den!

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Ron Molan, back in South Korea he was known for being the best servant and most trusted subordinate of Deruth Henituse. Even though he was over the age of sixty, his body worked just like a young person's and he didn't act like an old man at all.

Beside all that, he was also the scariest servant. Contrary to his son who seemed to be only having one expression on his face, he had a variety of benign smiles that scared other servants.

The older ones, who had been serving the family for over twenty years, still recalled the feeling of relieve as Ron had been chosen to be the personal butler of the back then unborn Cale. It was decided right after Jour Thames' pregnancy had been found out and it would be an understatement that everyone was happy.

But with this happiness and utterly joy they began to doubt their master's decision. "What if he inures the baby?" "He is so strange; I bet he is an assassin trying to kill the unborn child?" "Why does the master trust him so much?" "I don't think he is who he pretends to be..."

Such rumors became well-known amongst the servants and later even Deruth and his wife. Ron and his back them ten year old son Beacrox were also aware of the rumors, but just shrugged them off. What did it matter after all?

But that quickly changed after Cale Henituse was born on the 8th November in the year 2006. As Cale's personal butler, Ron was allowed to accompany the little family to the hospital and was the third person to hold the incredibly light, sleeping newborn.

The first thought that went through his mind wasn't that the child was unhealthy or anything, it was that the child looked adorable. Ron didn't even know that he had such a side to him, but the very moment he laid eyes on Cale Henituse he was certain that he would not only be his most trusted subordinate but also always there for him.

And he had been fulfilling that silent, unspoken promise.

Ron looked at his sleeping young master-nim and the blonde boy who was all over the redhead. If he didn't know better he would almost call his love for Cale an obsession. Sadly, he knew better.

The old butler observed the two sleeping boys. It was already morning, almost 10 am, but he didn't want to wake the two up. He was aware of the lunch they had promised the Crossman Family, but he knew that the experience from last night cut deep and both boys needed the sleep. After all, there had been a reason he and his son allowed the blonde boy to sleep in their cherished young master's bed.

Contrary to the butler's thoughts; Alberu wasn't sleeping anymore but rather awake, and for not just a few minutes. The problem was that he couldn't get out of bed without waking the redhead sleeping in his arms – and that was something he certainly didn't want to do under any circumstances.

The fact that it was currently snowing outside didn't help the fact that Cale would wake up if the couple stopped cuddling. If he recalled correctly, today would be a thunderstorm in Korea and people didn't know if it would go by or last for another day or two. Actually, it worried Alberu.

He and Cale had booked a direct flight from Manchester to Seoul (which was almost 11 hours) and the blonde had heard enough stories of planes crashing because of storms. But since Ron and Beacrox were there to accompany them it couldn't get too bad...could it?

He let out a deep sigh which lead to a small motion from the figure using his chest as a pillow. A smile graced Alberu's lips. A few seconds later, he felt a slight pressure on his chest, coming from Cale's hand that helps him push himself up into a sitting position.

He looked at Alberu with his typical sleepy look. His gorgeous red hair looked like it had a bad hair day the day prior. A chuckle left the blonde's mouth, immediately getting the younger's attention.

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