You look hot when speaking Chinese.

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Beep. Beep. Beeeep. Beep.

The strange beeping sound was the only thing that was heard.

It naturally annoyed Cale, forcing him to open his eyes and take a look around to look at the origin of the noise. It was quite the task to open his eyes, but the redhead managed to do it. Upon opening his eyes, Cale was able to see a dim light room. It was an incredibly small room that seemed as simple as a room could be. The walls seemed to be made out of cheap material and there wasn't even a real wall, as Cale's bed was only separated from other patient's by blue curtains.

After a bit of time that Cale spent staring into nothingness, the teen tried to sit up. He didn't feel any pain and instead only a certain numbness. He was rather used to that numbness as it was caused by painkillers, one thing he was all too familiar with.

The moment Cale thought about painkillers he recalled the reason that he woke up, it was the beeping sound of the machine next to him. And such a machine that measured his heartbeat could only be found in a hospital.

Cale looked down on his body. There were a few tubes on his left hand and on his right arm. After understanding his current situation, he decided to lie down again and think about the reason for him being here. Did his anemia act up too much without him noticing? But he had been rather relaxed lately, well if one didn't count the Crossman lunch.

He felt tired and wanted to go to sleep again. Since he didn't see the others he thought about them waiting somewhere else, he wasn't too worried at first. Just as he was about to fall asleep again, it hit him.

The reason he was in the hospital; it was the airplane crash!

As soon as Cale thought about it all thoughts he had about sleeping disappeared and he quickly got up from the patient bed, pulling out the many tubed in his body. He didn't care; his top priority was to look for Alberu, Ron and Beacrox. He was used to hospitals and all this stuff related to that, but the others weren't!

Additionally, what should Cale do if they weren't fine?

Without a second thought, Cale opened the curtain and looked around. He could see many strange faces he had never seen before, some were still seemingly sleeping and in a rather bad state while others were already smiling and laughing. Cale didn't have time to look at those people as he started to walk around and look for a familiar face. He ignored his staggering and the pain that shot through his body each time he took a step. He similarly ignored the wet feeling dripping down his chin.

"先生!躺!你在干什么?!" (Translation: 'Gentleman! Lie down! What are you doing?!')

The woman was obviously talking in Chinese, yet Cale couldn't be bothered less. He did understand some words due to him having an interest in the Chinese language, but he decided not to care. He simply must, no; he needed to find Alberu, Ron and Beacrox. He needed to see the state the three of them were in – whether they even had survived.

Cale shook his head.

They must have survived.

The woman who had yelled at him quickly approached him and stopped the young redhead. He looked western, yet the woman didn't know how to speak any other language but Chinese. She was obviously a nurse in this hospital.

"我需要你躺下,你流鼻血了。你明白吗?" (Translation: 'I need you to lie down, you have a nosebleed. Do you understand?')

Cale looked at the nurse and decided to ask her about his friends.

"我正在寻找我的家人。没有看到他们就无法休息。" (Translation: 'I am looking for my family. Can't rest without seeing them.')

The woman nodded her head. Even though Cale's pronunciation wasn't the best like his English and French pronunciations, it was understandable enough for the woman to comprehend the teen's intentions.

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