You look like her.

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The coppery stench of blood was replaced by an even worse stench that smelled like a chemistry project gone wrong. It was the stereotypical smell of a sanitizer and its stink was all over this white-walled, white-floored and white-celled place. On closer inspection, this place resembled a hospital out of old movies.

The six year old redhead, who had just woken up, looked around. He attempted to sit up, yet he failed miserably. But instead of falling back, someone suddenly hugged him tightly. His first thought was that it was his mother hugging him, yet this hug felt different from the ones she gave her son.

His second thought was that maybe his father may have come. He didn't know how his father hugged him; after all he usually spent all of his time with his mother while his father was busy with work. He didn't get hugged by his father very often, maybe when he had been a baby, but those times were impossible for him to recall.

But this third and last thought was that Beacrox was hugging him. His strong hyung-nim, who was barely eighteen himself, was here. Beacrox Molan, Ron's son, who usually had a rather stoic expression on his face, was a great hugger. Cale enjoyed Beacrox' hugs. The older always hugged him, and even his stoic expression softened whenever he was with the small child.


Beacrox hugged Cale only tighter after hearing the small child addressing him formerly. He couldn't help it.

Three days ago the cook had received a call from his father. It was a little past midnight and had woken him up from his peaceful slumber, yet that peaceful slumber quickly turned into a nightmare as soon as he heard what his old man had to say.

Cale's mother was dead.

Cale was in the hospital.

Back then, it wasn't clear whether the young child would survive or not. Ron had told his son everything that had happened after the accident, including the car crash. While listening to his father, Beacrox already got out of bed and looked for a plane ticket for the following day and thankfully found one. Without even needing to think, he bought it. He didn't care that it was economy class and one of the worst middle seats at all.

The only important thing was him heading to Manchester.

After Ron was done explaining, he laughed a shallow sounding laugh. Beacrox frowned upon hearing that cruel and empty laugh. It gave him the chills all over his body.

'That wimp of a man won't come to visit. Ha! That jackass doesn't want to see his son!'

There was no need to name that wimp of a man who wouldn't come to Manchester.

It was Cale's father, that was what annoyed Ron so much, and it honestly didn't annoy Beacrox any less.

The following night Beacrox arrived in Manchester. He didn't bother to search for a stay for the night and immediately called for an uber to go to the hospital. And ever since, he and his father waited for the young boy to wake up.

It took Cale three days and two nights to do so. And hence, he ended up in this situation, getting hugged by Beacrox. Beacrox Molan was someone who wasn't good in psychological things, the same went for emotional things, but he cared very much for his young dongsaeng and was ready to do anything he could to support him.

Cale, on the contrary, didn't understand why Beacrox was hugging him so much. His hyung-nim's hugs weren't rare, but they weren't that tight nor that long.

Just when Cale was about to ask why he was here and where his mother was, a sharp pain went through his left abdomen and he got all dizzy all of a sudden. Not soon after, nausea followed, yet he couldn't throw up.

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