Now you have us!

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Ron stared at the three boys in front of the door. He then looked at Cale's flushing face and listened to his fast breath. He also observed how the other two boys laughed at his puppy like young master-nim while still being careful with him. He then smirked.

That was exactly what the young master-nim had wished for – a new start where everyone would treat him like a normal guy who was perfectly healthy. Still, the old butler couldn't help but frown at the same time as he was very worried about his young master's health. He didn't want him to have any problems or something similar to that.

"Good evening, young master-nim and welcome back. I see you brought your friends over?"

Cale nodded out of breath while being supported by an amused Choi Han and a smiling but worried Alberu. After all, the blonde had never ever seen a boy who got this out of breath when running a very short route.

Still, he found it to be adorable. And in all honesty, he liked how the redhead needed to be supported by him. The Choi Han-part could be cut out in his mind. Really, who was forbidden to have day-dreams?

Ron eyed Cale's new friends. He wouldn't let them become his friends if they were corrupted even in the slightest! His benign smile changed into a small one as he scanned the blonde boy who didn't even look at the old butler anymore but instead focused his gaze on the out of breath redhead. The raven haired boy on the other hand stared openly at Ron.

"Yes, they are my new friends."

Both boys froze as they heard how Cale called them his friends already. Especially since the boy didn't look like an affectionate person who made friends easily like Jack.

Ron smiled gently at his young master as he was happy that he had found friends just as he had wished. As Ron was Cale's personal butler and kind of raised the young boy he knew that Cale had wished for friends very much. Even before he fell sick, he didn't have any as he had been taught at home before middle school. It had something to do with his emotionless appearance and his cold actions.

He had been a misunderstood child ever since his mother died. It was strange how the normally affection seeking child got cold. Ron, who had witnessed all of this, had felt his heart ache.

But now, when he looked at the young master who had a faint smile and a gentle expression on his face, he couldn't help but feel relieved and happy – even though he didn't like the raven haired boy.

"Will young master-nim's new friends be staying here?"

Ron lightly bowed as he moved away from the door so that the boys could enter. Cale just wanted to shake his head, as Alberu already answered.

"Yes, if that's alright with the young master?"

Cale looked up. As both Choi Han and Alberu were taller than him he had no other choice when he wanted to look at them. He felt his cheeks warming up and immediately looked down again. Alberu had to hold his chuckle in.

"Y-yeah, it's fine, I guess."

Ron smiled his usual benign smile and nodded after the boys entered. He'd have to call his son Beacrox later and tell him about how the young master already found two friends. He felt happy to see that Cale didn't have to struggle with rumors this time as he did last time.

"So are you someone of noble blood that you have a butler here who always calls you young master-nim, Cale-nim?"

Choi Han was really curious. He looked around Cale's dorm room, or rather dorm-apartment. It wasn't bigger than his or Alberu's, as every student owned a three-room-apartment, but Cale's seemed livelier than his. Maybe it was because he didn't live alone and instead has a butler and two kittens?

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