Part 7 Chapter 3 1st Day Conference

Start from the beginning


Holy Mirishial Empire
Port Town Cartalpas
Imperial Cultural Center

The Imperial Cultural Center was a symbol of prosperity; it was luxurious, gorgeous, and exuded dignity. Ambassador Gravit and his team were walking into that very same cultural center, the venue for the international conference. After confirming the location of their seats, they went out to the lobby to drink some tea and eat some snacks while waiting for the conference to begin. This year's conference would start with a working-level diplomatic meeting. After that, the latter half would be meetings and decision-making between all the foreign affairs leaders.

This would be Myto Empire's first formal appearance on the international stage since being transferred, and there was no doubt this conference would go down in Myto Empire history on this dimension, so ambassador Gravit was understandably nervous. Especially with the information about Gra Valkas being on the move. Ambassador Gravit really did not know what Gra Valkas would do in this meeting.

As Ambassador Gravit was lost in thought about what Gra Valkas would do, there was a sudden announcement over the loudspeaker.

"The eleven-country leadership conference will begin momentarily. We ask all attendees to please go to their seats."

Hearing this announcement, Gravit's ambassador team rushed into the meeting room and took their seats.

Gravit looked around. There were many representatives of other races aside from humans, he felt like he was in the Galactic Empire senate chamber. Only the Galactic Empire senate chamber was much bigger and grander. The layout of the meeting was standard, using a U-shaped layout with a row of tables at the top of the U that was slightly higher than the rest. The tables were used for the presiding officer and moderator. The plan was to rotate the chair among the 11 countries present, with HME being given a larger portion, especially at the beginning and end of the meeting to open and close the Conference.

For almost an hour, HME opened the meeting with their host. This included cultural performances in the form of dances before the moderator of the first meeting finally took the podium and took his seat. After introductions from each of the participating countries' teams, the moderator invited any countries that brought important news to be discussed at this preliminary meeting.

An emissary from Eimor raised his hand. The moderator called on him, granting him permission to speak. Even though they only had a population of a million, the dragonfolk country still carried the title of world superpower. The Eimorsh emissary stood up. He boasted a height of two meters, red hair, red eyes, and two horns growing from his head.

"I am Moriaul from the Eimor Kingdom. I have a message to convey to you all. This is a very grave matter, so please listen well." Said ambassador Moriaul from Eimor

The entire room became silent, which showed how influential the Eimor nation was in Elysia.

"Recently, we conducted a divination of space." Morial said

Eimor's space divination was known to be extremely accurate, so all the representatives were eager to listen.

"What we have learned is... the resurrection of the ancient sorcerous empire, the Empire of Ravernal, will soon be upon us." Said ambassador Moriaul

The temperature in the room instantly dropped.

"How... How could this be!!!" said someone in the back row.

"If the legends are all true, then we have no means to resist them!!!" said another person.

The hall erupted in panicked chatter.

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