Aomine prepared for his free throw. Once the whistle was heard, he made the shot getting the ball in the basket.

Seirin - 68

Tōō - 78

'We're 10 points behind again...' you thought in worry.

"Kagami, Kiyoshi-senpai. Do you have a minute?" Kuroko called out to the two players.

He spoke to them about something before the game resumed after the free throw.

Seirin - 71

Tōō - 80

Every time Seirin scored, Tōō would keep on scoring ten points higher than them. It felt as if the gap wasn't closing in.

"Damn it! The gap isn't getting smaller!" Furihata cursed.

"What are we supposed to do?" Fukuda asked.

'Huh...? Kiyoshi-san, Tetsu-kun and Kagami are...' you were surprised at the three marking Aomine.

'Marking Aomine!?'

'Aomine is not a terrifying player because of his skill or agility. It's that he's able to make a shot from any position. Even if Kagami acquired animal instinct, he can't stop him.' You held your chin, looking at your clipboard before looking back at the game.

'Our offensive power has increased, but we'll never close the gap in a shoot-out. If we can't stop Aomine, we have no chance of winning.' You stated in your head.

"But it won't be enough..." you mumbled, seeing Aomine get past Kagami and be in front of Kiyoshi.

Aomine went sideways, shocking the center.

"I'll stop Aomine. Lend me your strength." Kuroko stated the three were seen back to when they spoke to each other.

Kagami was a bit surprised at him saying, "You want to triple-team him? I'm not sure even three of us can stop Aomine now." Kiyoshi stated.

"I know. That's why I want Kagami to let him pass at first." Kuroko explained.

Kagami soon noticed what Kuroko meant and agreed with his plan.

Aomine was shocked to see Kagami right next to him in the air. The redhead tried to get the ball but Aomine was fast to move away from him.

Still the in air, he went to shoot from under Kagami...

But missed...!

Everyone was shocked at seeing Aomine miss.

"Tetsu..." Aomine turned to Kuroko, "You bastard."

You realized what they meant to do, 'They wanted him to get past them on purpose. Tetsu-kun made him miss by getting his attention away from the basket! And he used his Overflow to get his attention away from the hoop completely before he released the ball...Tetsu-kun's amazing!'

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