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I was sitting in my room  by the window with a cancer stick in my mouth, while i listened to my parents fighting over my brother, who asked them for a new car after he broke his. I rolled my eyes. He got everything that he wanted, which made my parents argue a lot about the money. After my cancer stick was finished, i laid down. When i hear my parents talking about how to get the money. I decided that I would not sleep and sneaked out the window going to the park and jog some rounds to blow off steam. Normally, I would huck up with someone, but i didn't feel like it. When i returned home, it was quiet, so i went to sleep. When i woke up, i stretched before standing up and taking a shower. I walked down where my parents were sitting and walked in the kitchen, got something to drink before walking to school.
Getting many hello's and hi's before walking to class "do you come to practice?" Jack asked. i nodded. "The game is Saturday," i reson, and class started. At lunch, i stayed on the field smoking while running tracks, which is really tricky when you don't concentrate. After my second round, i drank something and looked at Jack. "i thought you stopped," he said, looking at the cigarette. " i said i try to minimize my consumption." i walked to my bag and looked at my phone, seeing two missed calls from my parents and a new one coming in."Hello," i asked. "Come home and pack your bags," was all they said before hanging up, i looked at Jack, knowing he is thinking what im thinking "Im fucked," he laughed before giving me a ride to my house. When i got in, my parents were trying to open my door,"Pack your stuff. Someone will pick you up in an hour," i opened my door and packed my suitcase, hiding some cigarettes and vapes in my suitcase and what i was wearing with some alcohol. Before putting my stuff in the living room. When a man walked in, maybe in his late twenties as i saw him and the money he was giving them, i knew what was going on and excused myself "pick up," i whispered "hey-," "my parents sold me to some rich dude," i told him cut off by someone taking my phone and ending the call "hey," I said making him look at me "no phone," he said like i was a toddler getting caught having candy before dinner. "You can't tell me what to do," i walked to my suitcase when he toke my arm, making me keep in a panic attack. "Don't talk to me like that," i was about to bite him when squeezed my arm too tight. He let go and put my bags in his trunk and tucked on my arm, putting me in the passenger seat and got in the driver as he reached over. i flinched but realized he wanted me to buckel up, so i did, and we drove off. "So what is your name ?" He asked, but i ignored him, trying to remember the way and calm down."Okay, I'm steven, and my favorite color is white," he said. "White is not a color, stupid," i muttered, hopping that he didn't hear "well you can talk," i ignored him for the rest of the ride.

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