Decade meet the Hunters

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Qrow: A Kamen rider? What is that?

Jaune: Saviour of World? I never heard of that.

Then Ruby go near Alex with her star eyes in excited felling.

Ruby: HOW DID YOU DO THAT?! You punch him like nothing then you use your gun then you change into a clock armor!!!

Nora: After that you kick him and make a giant explosion to him

Alex: Nah. No problems. Anyway I need to go now.

Qrow: Kid! Wait! You can't go by yourself. There a Grimm out there! You don't know how-

Alex: Dangerous? I can handle this by my own. See yah later.

Alex then walk away from the group. The group feel bad for Alex. Alex continue his journey through the woods. Alex try his best not to make any attention in the woods. He then stop for a while. He feel someone is watching him. Suddenly, he been shoot by some laser bullet. Then a group of bandit came on and point their weapon at Alex.

Bandit 1: Give us all your money!

Alex: I don't have any money. Go find yourself.

Alex continue to walk but the bandit push him back.

Bandit 1: We won't go until you give us money.

Bandit 2: You better give us.

Alex sighed. He open the side handle and took out his card. The bandits were confused at him. He insert the card and close it.

Kamen Ride: Wizard! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi Hi Hi!

A red circle appear on the left side and go through Alex body and transform into Kamen Rider Wizard. The bandits were shocked to see him transform.

Bandit 3: What the heck was that?!

Bandit 4: Who care? Get him!

The bandits attack him. D-Wizard punch the bandit on his face then kick him from his back. The bandit use his sword and slash at D-Wizard. D-Wizard feel pain then use his Rider Book and turn into a sword. He then slash at the bandit. The bandit use his blaster gun and shoot at him. D-Wizard avoid it then he turn his sword into a gun and shoot at the bandit.

Bandit 1: Damm it! Let get out of here!

The bandits run away from D-Wizard. He then cancel his transformation and change back to normal.

Alex: What a troublemaker?

He continue his journey. Later, in the far distance from the darkness. A group is sitting and having a meeting. Then Tyrian came in in such a lose he is. Salem then go to Tyrian.

Salem: So, Tyrian. Did you get the Silver eyes?

Tyrian: No! I lose!

Cinder: Because the red hood knock you down.

Tyrian: No! I lose to the boy!

Cinder: Let me guess. The yellow hair boy?

Tyrian: Not him! The boy! He can transform his armor!

Mercury: I think you going nut.

Tyrian: It true! I saw with my own eyes! He use his belt and turn into a armor thing! He even call himself a "Kamen Rider"!

Salem: Kamen Rider?

Watt: He have a belt that allowed him to transform? Sound interesting.

Salem: Tyrian, I want to steal his belt and also kill him as well. One thing, bring me the girl silver eyes.

Cinder: No. Not him. I will steal his belt and bring the silver eyes girl to you, Salem.

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