It is my first time riding on this. It was just like another portal I saw in the movies; round shape, emiting a bright white light, trying to pull inside like a black-hole. The only things different was the experience in real life.  Well, that's gonna change now. When we came to the end part, my head felt like it would burst from all my aches. But it wasn't our final destination.

From there on, we moved towards the south. At first, I was a bit confused. Should we not be moving to the north? So why travel south?

There, in the middle of two large trees, was another portal. Just seeing that made me dizzy.

'those Portal are gonna be the death of me..'

One after one, all entered that portal, and we made to the east-north side. It is like a military base, although actually wasn't. It is a village with a sound-quality transport system.

Astroth City, is a highly developed city. Its highlight is the transport system, but there were many shops, most of them were duplex buildings. This city was entirely full of colors. The city is highly secure because of the monster. But monster does not often attack the city. It must be the reason for this city to be so intact. We came out, passing through a big gate, and headed for the territory.

It took four day for us to reach the mainland; we sometimes stopped to eat or rest.

From a distance, a sizeable grand wall came into sight. A giant door made of back iron was closed at the entrance. With a sharp, nonresonant sound like pieces of metal striking, one against the other, the iron gate opens. As we entered the city, the subjects were divided on both sides of the road. Everyone cheered for the return of their lord; pieces of colorful paper were in the air, and the sound of accordion and trumpet melody were dancing together. Eager to see, I took a little peek from the window.

The ride to the main house took three hours to reach. It sure is the largest state I have seen. And the mansion was so grand it left me speechless.

The Servants and some Knights were waiting at the front door. In front of them, a butler wearing one-eyed glass was standing.

Ivan dismounted from his horse and came to escort me to the mansion. As I got down from the carriage, the clod wind welcomed me by brushing past me, leaving me to shiver in its coldness. But as a nobel lady, I had to maintain my image. I locked my arm with Ivan's and held my head high as I started walking.

'one has to show if not abuse may rise..'

"Welcome home, master, " they all said in a fusion. "Welcome home, madam."


Miya lit up the fireplace, and Noir sat on my bed. The room given to me was wide. Besides, the room next belonged to Ivan. There's a door that connects both rooms. My room was decorated simply but with elegance.

I wave my hand, telling the service to get out. I sat next to the fireplace, making myself warm. Tired from all the traveling, I finally arrived in this land. The main story will start in six months. Before that, I have to finish my tasks.

First of all, let's find Levana.Whatever is happening, it's different from the original I knew. To face the danger in the future, I will need her help. She is the only source I can find answers to my questions. 'In a week, Ivan will leave for the black forest. So how should I convince me?'

'let's rest for now.. I'll see what can be done tomorrow..' getting up, I went to bed. Soon, I drift off to sleep. Again, I am in a white space. A little far ahead, I could see those black eyes staring at me, but this time, they did not approach me.

"Arya..." floating in the air, it jumped on my head. "You finally came."

I look at those black eyes. "Don't worry; it won't hurt you," in the air as she twirled, she spoke.

"By the way, when are you going to come get me?" it asked, anticipating.

"I don't know anything about you. Why would I come to get you?" I asked.

Her face made me look as if I asked the dumbest question.

"And you are sealed. Why were you, and who did this? I know nothing of it. Moreover, there are thousands of questions ringing in my head." I look straight into its eyes. "I demand answers."

"Alright..." It twirls around me. " But only three.."

'three is better… than having no answer at all..'

"What are you?" I query her as she keeps dancing in the air.

"I'm a fragment of the Phoenix," she answered more willingly than I had in mind.

'fragment!! Then that means there is more of her…thighs are becoming complicated, I see…' eluding my thoughts, I set the second, "The upcoming war, you said it involves me. But I do not understand what it has to do with me?"

"You are the core of it. Your power, your bloodline, is an obstacle to it; that's why after every time you die, the war begins. If you live, the darkness will be defeated; otherwise, darkness will consume the world. Your very existence is the pillar of balance. That's how you are connected with the war."

I was inundated with those as she conversed. 'It's hard to take in all that.. leaving me to question about my own existence'.

As if time stopped, like a thine wall was created, felt like I was drowning in the ocean, with much courage, in a shaky voice I inquired, "I…Who am I?"

It stared at me, the one who was moving in the now standstill "That's a tough question to answer…"

"But you said that you would answer…" anguish feeling crave in my voice.

"You who shall come are the descendent of the first witch; you are the owner of the Phoenix, the salvation for mankind, you are the destroyer of the evil, you are Arya Basilisk also Aysha, Nahin, Mewa, and many more... it's hard to answer, my master, who you are. Because it's up to you to find who you truly are...."

I froze on the spot.. no. No words came out.. my mind was nonplussed, and only one came to mind...

' what?'



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