Every servant gasph at seeing them. Slowly, he put her down on the bed with such care as if she were his most precious treasure. Like a lapidarist, caring about his most valued possession, he has mastered as he puts the jade down with the utmost care.

That night, Arya slept soundly. As the morning arrived, the sun's rays entered her room, brightening the whole room. Waking up, she thought, yesterday she had the weirdest dream, yet the feeling was so warm and fuzzy. She felt the presence of someone holding her, carrying her; the grip was not tight or stiff. It was light and full of care. The warmth she felt was so tender, full of affection; she had never thought like that.
Even if it was a dream, she cherished those memories, kept locked in the case of her heart deep inside.

"Morning, my lady. " Miya came and greeted me. She pulled the curtains back, and sunlight came through the window.

"Miya, bring my breakfast into the room and prepare it near the window." It's the start of a beautiful day.



In the library...

I was reading the book about the four ancient beasts, but it sometimes kept bothering me.

Sofia kept her gaze glued on me, but when I turned to her, she would hide her face with a book or pretend to look sideways. Her intense gaze felt like it could pierce the back of my head.

'if you have something to say...just say it already,'...sigh.

'Well, I'm sure she will come around after giving her some time. Let's see what the book says' Ignoring her, I continue my search.

In the dawn of time, when the world was young and untamed, there existed four noble households, each bearing the sacred emblem of an ancient beast, symbols of power and prestige. The royal family, revered as the foremost among them, bore the proud image of the eagle, soaring high and mighty. Alongside them stood the Dragun lineage, embodying the fierce strength of the black dragon, its scales gleaming with dark allure.

Then there was the Basilisk family, named after the dreaded serpent king, its bloodline intertwined with the cunning and venom of the red basilisk. Lastly, the Marquis Amorim family, adorned with the golden turtle, symbolizing longevity and prosperity. Legend whispered that each founding ancestor had been bestowed with divine blessings by the very creatures they honored.

Yet, among these esteemed lineages, none commanded as much awe and fear as the Dragun, for the black dragon was said to be the mightiest of them all. It was an era of upheaval and strife, marked by the echoes of great wars that ravaged the lands. Despite the chaos, the four noble families united, forging bonds of kinship and alliance amidst the turmoil.

From the ashes of conflict rose the grand Azarson Empire, a testament to the strength and resilience of these ancient bloodlines. Together, they built a kingdom that stood as a beacon of civilization, where the echoes of their ancestors' deeds whispered through the halls of history, forever immortalized in the annals of time.

'Hmm... should I read the history of the empire?' Thinking that, I looked at the book but did not try to cause it was too big, and I was too tired.

I got up and went to sit near Sofia. She was startled by my action.

"Say it," I demand, taking the political thesis book from the table.

"Wh-what?" she asked confused.

"You have been gawking at me this whole time." This time, I look right at her face.

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