Then Ram sat back to continue his reading and the princesses started moving towards the guest house.

They easily found Lakshman who was sharpening his arrows. Once again Urmila was mesmerized by her dream man. Every time she was seeing him, she was falling in love with him.... again and again.....

Lakshman was simply in his daily minimalistic wear. His long hair was blowing in the slow wind. His eyes were totally focused on his arrows and this view was enough to increase Urmila's heartbeat.

"Go Urmila. Now it's the time for your main action. I'll stay here and observe his reactions."- an excited Mandvi whispered.
Urmila- "But.... but didi... he is busy with his arrows...."
Mandvi pushed Urmila in his direction while saying- "Just go near him Urmi... He will automatically come after seeing you. And yes..... don't forget whatever I had taught you. You did really well infront of Rajkumar Ram. And i hope you will perform better infront of Rajkumar Lakshman...... remember Urmila, be elegant and talk politely. "

Urmila slowly walked towards Lakshman. The tinkling sounds of Urmila's jewelleries became audible to Lakshman. So Urmila was expecting him to turn back to see her. But to her surprise, Lakshman didn't even move a little from his place. He was totally focused on his arrows. So Urmila slowly reached near him but still she was behind him. And before she could say a word, Lakshman said without even looking back- " How can I help you... Rajkumari Urmila... "

Urmila's eyes welled up in shock and she couldn't say anything... how did he just knew that it is her without even looking back.... Then Lakshman put his arrow aside and looked back to face the statuted Urmila.

He slowly walked near her. His handsomeness was making her breathing a little heavy.
Then  Lakshman joined his palm near chest and said- " greetings... Rajkumari. May I know what brought you to me again? "

Urmila was totally paused until she remembered that she is here as vidhikari and whatever Mandvi taught her. But her heartbeat was so heavy that she had no idea how to act infront of him. So by scratching her palm nervously, Urmila said- " Actually.. ummm... I'm here as the Vidhikari.. "

Lakshman squized his brows and asked- " as the what ? "
Urmila replied- "vi.. vidhikari... which means, I'm the manager of Rajkumar Ram and Sita didi's marriage. "

Lakshman raised his brows while answering- " oh... i understood. Actually Ayodhya don't have this vidhikari tradition so i don't know much about it. But my question is still unanswered Rajkumari... what brought you to me ? What's wrong now ?"

Urmila - " Everything is fine Rajkumar Lakshman. Nothing is wrong now. I just... I'm here to invite you for lunch at the palace. It is my mother, Maharani Sunaina's invitation. Please arrive at the palace with Rajkumar Ram. "

Mandvi was seeing all these from a distance and whispering to herself- " why are you so nervous Urmi.... act elegant. Stop scratching your palm atleast. "

Lakshman replied- "okay... I'll definitely come with my brother. Thank you so much for the invitation.... vidhikari. "
Lakshman smiled gently while Urmila smiled nervously. The main topic just ended right there but she had to stretch the conversation anyway. So Urmila just blankly stood there with eyes fixed on the ground while trying to remember what to say next...

Lakshman also stood their quitely for a moment and then asked- " Anything else? "
Urmila- "no... it's just..... "
Lakshman cut her in between- "why are you so nervous ? Do you need any help... ? "
Urmila- "no no... I'm totally fine... i just want to ask you that.... that..... how are you ?"

Urmila's voice was trembling. And Lakshman became a little confused- "I am.. totally fine and fit. Why ? "
Urmila- " ah... I'm just asking casually... "

Lakshman nodded his head with the same confused expression. She again asked- " um.. your other two brothers are arriving soon at Mithila. Maharaj Dashrath had mentioned this in his letter..."

Lakshman replied- " thanks for telling but I already know it rajkumari. Our father had sent a letter to us as well. "
Urmila became more nervous and said- "oh... okay okay.. that's great.. "
(Nervous laughs)

The conversation was definitely not going the way how she had planned. But it was becoming more and more awkward. So Urmila prayed silently- " mata Gouri... please save me from this situation. Give me a right thing to talk about.. "

Then suddenly she remembered to ask about their food preferences. So with a little excitement she asked again- "Rajkumar Lakshman, what are your favourite foods ? I... i will prepare them"

Lakshman took a step closer to Urmila and answered- "you will cook ? "

Urmila- "ye... yess... "

Lakshman- " Then please don't... I can already tell, how the food are going to taste... "
Urmila asked confusingly- "huh... What do you mean?"

Lakshman playfully rolled his eyes from Urmila and remained silent. Which made her frown her brows. - " Rajkumar Lakshman.... did you just indirectly said that I am a bad cook..?"

He widened his eyes and said- "me..??. no no rajkumari. I didn't say that. What i meant was... "

Urmila cut him in the middle and took one step closer to him- "what... what did you mean then... what did you mean by 'please don't..'? "

Lakshman tried to hide his smile and replied- " i mean, look at yourself.... whenever we meet, i find you in some dilemma. Everytime you are nervous, anxious, tensed and what not. No matter if the problem is still there or solved, you will always remain nervous like this.
And....... umm...... your nervousness can make you put salt in kheer or milk in daal... so I can clearly imagine what kind of food you would make."

"Oh... you think I'm always nervous about things? Huh...? do i look nervous... do i...? "- Urmila angrily stepped towards Lakshman and he took steps backward.
"Listen Rajkumar Lakshman.... Don't try to underestimate my cooking skills. After Sita didi I am the best cook of Mithila. And i can......"

Lakshman again cut her in between- " And the way you get angry so easily.... oh my God.... now I'm sure you will put too much chilli in everything as well. "

Urmila's eyes widened and she tightly placed her hands on her waist. " -i...? I get angry so easily?? RAJKUMAR LAKSHMAN..... YOU ARE SAYING THIS... I GET ANGRY SO EASILY..... "

Lakshman -"Look... look at yourself... what are you doing right now Rajkumari Urmila. You have come to invite me for lunch but you are shouting at me. You are shouting at the groom's brother. Now I'm totally sure that the foods prepared by you are going to be extremely spicy, which I don't like..."

Urmila- "Then who started it... who underestimated my cooking skills. "

Lakshman- "i didn't underestimate, i just spilled the fact. And I Rajkumar Lakshman of Ayodhya, can easily guess any person's creativity, just by looking at him or her. And as......."

Urmila cut him inbetween- "And I Rajkumari Urmila of Mithila, can do everything.... including teaching good lessons to stubborns who underestimate me. "

Both Lakshman and Urmila were looking into eachother's eyes like eagles. " Are you ready to proof it then ? "- Lakshman asked with a smirk.
" Ofcourse Rajkumar. Tell me how... "- Urmila replied proudly.

Lakshman- " Challange ?? "
Urmila-  " Challenge "

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