Chapter 49

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Because Brad could not go out in the sunlight at the moment, Anzide and I went to the grocery store with a long list. Getting in early, we went straight to the meat section and grabbed a lot of varied cuts. This was an alternative blood source that Anzide suggested that Brad used when getting close to feeding time. It wasn't the complete answer, and it wouldn't satisfy Brad at all, but it was enough to stave off hunger for a little while.

With the bottom of the cart loaded, we wandered through the aisles, picking off the things that Brad had suggested on the list and the things that we wanted. There might have been too many biscuits.

Turning into the medical aisle, we stopped and stared. Kannon was here. His hand reached out, and he was in the process of taking a packet of condoms from the shelf. His gaze turned to us and the eyes that I'd once dreamily stared into widened.

"Uh, hey. They're not for me."

Of course not. They're for Audrey.

"Jess gets embarrassed."

"Sure," I offered with a sweet smile.

Kannon looked at the cart full of groceries, awkwardly shifting on his feet.

"So, I guess that you're not leaving town."

"We talked about it for a while," I offered. "But Brad's having a few issues at the moment. The shifter in him is making a play for dominance, so it's kind of obvious that there's something wrong."

"Right," he nodded, giving a sympathetic smile. "Not a good look. I guess you guys can't be traveling then."

"Yeah. So, if you could tell that meathead leader of yours to back off, I'd appreciate it a whole lot."

Kannon rolled his eyes.

"Evie," he chided.

I shrugged and pushed the cart around him.

"Just saying it as I see it. Later."

We continued through the aisle. I stopped at the toothpaste and quickly tapped out a message to Brad, just in case he got visitors. If I was going to be making things up, he needed to be on board with the lie.

He responded quickly, which was interesting because I thought that he needed sleep. Brad said that he was feeling tired and told us to be quiet when we returned. When the next message followed, I understood why he was awake. Hannah had messaged him as well.

"Hannah wants to go on a date."

"He can't go."

"I'm sure Brad is aware of that. He's asking what to do."

Anzide sighed as he began to push the cart.

"It's hard to say. If he refuses, then she could turn up wanting to know what's going on. I'm assuming that at the beginning of all relationships, it's like ours?"

I looked up at him with a cheeky grin.

"Hot and heavy."

Anzide nodded with a knowing smile.

"So, she'd think that something was wrong if he refused to go on a date, right?"


"And she'd turn up to make sure that everything was okay. Alternatively, he could agree to the date and go on it, risking Harlwood's wrath."

"Screwed either way."

Anzide said nothing as we turned into the next aisle. Thankfully Kannon had fled the shop in haste, leaving us alone to do our shopping in peace.

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