Chapter 58

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After five years.

It was sunny and clear that morning when I stepped off the plane from another country. But my eyebrows met when I saw a familiar face.

"Kervy? What are you doing here?" I wondered.

It's been five years since I flew to another country. Now that the media was quiet, I decided to go home quietly. I just never thought that the last person I expected to see would stand in front of me.

He didn't answer but looked at the boy standing in by my side. My grip on Klo's hand tightened and Kervy's eyes narrowed.

"Mommy? Who is he?" Klo asked.

I looked down at Klo and smiled softly. "An old friend." I turned my attention back to Kervy. "If you don't need anything else, we'll go first."

I was about to pass him but he caught my wrist. Looking up at him, I couldn't utter a word. It's been a few years since I last saw him, but nothing has changed in his appearance except that he has become more mature looking.

"My cousin is looking for you," he said.

I looked away. "I know."

He sighed. "I'm getting married. I hope you'll attend, Rishel..."

"Marriage?" I turned my attention back to him. "Who are you going to marry?"

But he didn't answer my question and just smiled softly. He looked down at Klo again and flicked his tongue. "He looks like Lyndon," he said before saying goodbye and walking away.

"Mommy, I want ice cream!" Klo suddenly yelled.

Since I promised him that I would buy him sweets when the plane landed, I did bought him ice cream. But my mind keeps repeating Kervy's words that Klo looks like Lyndon.

I kept staring at my son. As he grew older, he is looking more and more alike with Lyndon, and I can't help but be afraid. I still didn't know who the man in that night was, but why I do have a bad feeling while staring at my son?

I don't want to think badly of Lyndon but as time goes by, my suspicion only deepened. So I returned to the country to have my son and that man have a DNA test.

Klo and I ate lunch at the airport because I knew he would not stop his plan to taste ice cream. I fed him rice first before giving him the sweets, then we took a taxi to leave the airport. We went straight to Boljoon where my parents were waiting.

I just didn't expect to see Lyndon with them.

"Klo! Come to Grandma!" Mama said happily and it was her turn to pick Klo up. I reminded her that the child was too heavy. Mama shook her head with a big smile on her lips. "Have you eaten lunch with my grandson?" she just asked.

I just sighed and nodded. I looked at Lyndon who was talking to Papa. "What is he doing here, Ma?" I asked.

Mama also looked at the two men and smiled. "When you flew to another country, Lyndon visited here almost every day and asked how you were doing there. We didn't make a mistake in choosing him, Rishel."

I looked down at Klo. "Maybe you're right, Ma." My lips became a line.

After bidding goodbye to Mama, I noticed out of the corner of my eye how Lyndon turned his head towards me. But I ignored him and continued upstairs.

I wasn't surprised when someone grabbed my hand that was about to reach for the doorknob. I looked at Lyndon who was staring intently at my face. We were silent for a few minutes and just stared silently at each other. He took the initiative to ask. "How are you?"

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