Chapter 18

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Scandalous fan

"W-What?" I blinked. "Are you that author... CareLikeGoldFish?"

I held my breath when he nodded and smiled at me.

Right at that moment, it dawned on me why I was fascinated with his works. Those were the scenes I saw in Boljoon two months ago. He wrote what he did in that terrible night. I should distance myself because I know it's wrong to still idolize him after what he did to Ariel, but the more I know him, the more I am drawn towards him.

Just like a moth drawn to a flame.

He stepped closer to me. A gentle smile was still hanging on his lips. "You're beautiful tonight, Rish."

It took me seconds before I find my voice again. "Thank y-you," I whispered under my breath. He chuckled when he saw me speechless.

I can't look away from his eyes. It was enchanting and the more I stared at him, the more my heart beat wildly. Just as I was drowning in his eyes, someone cleared a throat. Like a broken glass, I woke up from my stupor. I was confused. What's happening?

I looked past Levi and saw Lyndon. He was standing in the dark but because of the moonlight I could see his serious expression. "Lyndon?" I asked, confused and lost. "What are you doing here?"

"That should be my question, Rishel. What are you doing in this place, alone with a man of mysterious origin?" he asked and stepped closer to me. He pulled me behind him and faced Levi.

Levi was still smiling when the two faced each other. That's when I remembered why I came here but Lyndon was here. It's not good to bicker with him in front of my idol. So I handed my little gift to Levi. "My gift for you," I said.

He looked down at the small gift box I held. "Thank you, Rish," he said and accepted it.

I felt Lyndon's hold on my wrist tightened but I didn't mind it. I pulled him away. While walking away, I turned back to the veranda and waved at Levi.

After that night, Levi and I always chat using his CareLikeGoldFish account. Our topic was about his works. He admitted that The Last Resort, his popular work, was not entirely fictional.

I knew. I was there when he killed Ariel but I didn't tell him that I am a witness.

I'm afraid that if I tell the truth, he will avoid me. I know what I did was not good and I know it was against my conscience to hide the truth but wasn't Ariel alive and kicking?

I don't even know what happened after what Levi did but seeing Ariel alive made me shut my mouth, for Vine's reputation and for Levi's sake. But sometimes, my conscience urged me to admit what I saw in that night. Especially since Lyndon would occasionally ask me what I know of that crime and reading The Last Resort was just an overkill to my conscience.

But reading Levi's sweet reply, I throw away the whisper of conscience at the back of my mind.

"Are you that desperate to show that your idol noticed you?" Jamaica asked.

I put down the phone and at glared at her. I was currently eating in the canteen and some of the freshmen approached me to ask for a picture. Seeing that I was popular, Jamaica came to me and said those words.

Why did I become famous in campus recently?

Because Levi posted using his writer account. He talked about me, his loyal reader, and he declared that we are friends. My account was tagged on the reading site and since I can't hide my account some die hard fans of CareLikeGoldFish knew it was me.

For The Stars Have Sinned (Complete)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें