Does it glisten, the blood?

Start from the beginning

Silently, Jungkook and (y/n) slipped into the tent. The door led to an entranceway, a boot room with a small stool. Beyond that was a large room. The interior a stark contrast to the cold world outside. The room was warm and inviting, with cowhide rugs covering the floor, adding to the cosy ambience. On one side of the room, the lord was peacefully asleep on a comfortable-looking mattress, his snores filling the room. The other side held a low table, a small cooking stove, a chest, and a wooden chair. Carefully, (y/n) spread the map across the table's surface, using an empty ink pot, a thick book, and a pair of discarded shoes to hold the corners down, preventing it from rolling up.

Jungkook knelt beside her, his brow furrowed in concentration as he studied the map. "Should we wake him?" he whispered.

(y/n) glanced at the lord, still sound asleep, his snores rhythmic and undisturbed. "No, let's just get started," With quiet resolve, (y/n) returned her attention to the map, her fingers tracing the intricate details.

The boy nodded. "OK, I'll make some tea." Jungkook rose to his feet. The prospect of a warm cup of tea was a comforting thought. She watched as he lit the flame under the kettle pot, the small fire providing extra warmth and a means to heat the water. The sound of the water beginning to boil filled the tent, a gentle hiss and simmer that contrasted with the lord's deep snores. Jungkook handled the task with precision, his movements deliberate and quiet, mindful not to make any unnecessary noise. (y/n) continued to study the map, her mind racing with their plan. Finally, as the kettlepot whistled softly, Jungkook poured hot water into two small cups. He brought them over to the table and got comfortable.

The sudden yell from behind sent a jolt of adrenaline through Jungkook and (y/n). Jungkook's hand quickly steadied the teacup he had knocked with his elbow in fright, preventing any potential mess. At the same time, Akira sat up abruptly, his eyes wide with alarm as though he had seen a ghost. He let out a deep sigh and placed a hand on his racing heart, trying to calm its rapid beat.

"Morning," (y/n) greeted casually, her tone teasing, as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred. She knew how to handle the lord, how to keep him off balance and remind him that she was not someone to be trifled with. "Jungkook made tea if you want some."

Jungkook, recovering from the shock, managed a nervous smile as he gestured towards the cups of tea. Still slightly flustered, Akira nodded in response, throwing on a dressing gown over his night clothes. He made his way to the table where the map was spread out, his curiosity piqued.

"Tea, you say?" he asked, a hint of amusement in his voice. He seemed unfazed by the intrusion as if he had all expected it. Jungkook handed Akira a cup, and the three gathered around the table.

Akira listened attentively to their conversation, his curiosity about their plan evident. He was vested in their success; after all, his life and career were on the line. "When are you going to go?" He asked, bringing the teacup to his lips.

"Tomorrow night," Jungkook replied to Akira's question, his voice steady and confident.

The approximately thirty hours before their planned operation would provide them ample time to make necessary preparations. They had a significant hurdle to overcome, though – crossing the river. Swimming was not an option due to the treacherous conditions, and it would only lead to disaster. They had no time to catch hypothermia or freeze to death.

"All the bridges are heavily guarded," (y/n) added, acknowledging their primary challenge. It was a critical issue to address. The success of their mission hinged on their ability to bypass the border without being noticed. As they continued to discuss their strategy, the tension in the tent grew palpable. They were on the brink of a risky endeavour that could change the course of the kingdom and (y/n) 's life alike. They needed to ensure that every detail was accounted for to succeed in their mission. Every detail had to be meticulously planned and executed to perfection. They needed to ensure their movements were precise and coordinated, leaving no room for error or discovery.

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