Lakshman was just speechlessly looking at her with widened eyes.

Urmila finally became silent when she realised that how she just scolded Lakshman and now she was mentally ready for him to pull his sword out and rip her down from the middle. But to her surprise she found Lakshman trying to control his laugh. He was looking cute, but still unexpected for Urmila.

Urmila- "Rajkumar Lakshman... are you laughing?"

Lakshman replied while controlling his laugh- "Me.... laughing at you.... no no rajkumari.... you were saying something, please continue. "

She just started at him silently and he burst out into laughter which made her raise brow. Then she suddenly turned to another side to not face Lakshman and said- " I am not saying anything... my feelings look funny to you... "

Lakshman kept laughing and requesting Urmila to continue, but she wasn't doing that. Instead her gaze were fixed on the opposite direction from Lakshman. So he had to continue- "So the problem is me?... my behaviours made you sit here without attending the celebration..? I made you cry, right Urmila ?"

She blushed with her pounding heart. Lakshman just called him 'Urmila'... without adding 'rajkumari' before it. She felt millions of butterflies in stomach because nobody except her family members had called her just 'urmila'. But just on the next moment Lakshman ruined it... - "oh I'm sorry.... I mean, Rajkumari Urmila. "

"It's okay"- She replied without looking at him.
"You don't have to worry rajkumari, don't overthink as well. I have already asked for forgiveness from him. And he had forgiven as well... "- Lakshman clarified.

Urmila immediately turned towards him and said curiously- " are you sure ? "
Lakshman- "ofcourse.. he even gave the best blessing of my life... "

Urmila- "really.... what is it rajkumar Lakshman?"
Lakshman replied super proudly- " he said, i have a boon that I'll serve my Ram bhaiya for eternity. And this word just satisfied my soul. I was never happy like this by a blessing before. "

Umila smiled pleasingly and said calmly - " You love your elder brother so much... right. ?"

Lakshman's smiled and said with super excitement. - " you are right rajkumari Urmila. I love him the most in the world.... just like how you love your Sita didi.."
Urmila also smiled at him.

Then Lakshman looked at the sky and added- " Do you know... My maa says, when I was born, i just kept crying and crying loudly. Nobody could stop me. Not even the royal physicians of Ayodhya. Everybody became shocked because there was no disease in my body but still i was crying like that. Then Maharshi Vashisht lifted me and placed near Ram bhaiya. To everyone's surprise I became silent. Since that day everybody understood my devotion towards my elder brother. So they call me 'the shadow of Ram'. I follow him everywhere. "

Urmila waa listening to him happily by balancing her face on her palm, which was resting on her knees. She had forgotten every ups and downs, she had faced and just lost herself in the gorgeous golden brown eyes of the man she love.

Lakshman continued- " And I am kind of surprised and grateful by seeing your concern towards me. You were silently tearing up here because I could have died today........."
Urmila was blushing again and Lakshman completed his sentence in a slow gentle voice- "thank you so much rajkumari Urmila. "

Her throat dried while replying- " aahh.. it's okay rajkumar Lakshman. Afterall you are going to be the brother in law of my sister. So... umm... you are like a.... kind of a...... family to me as well."

Lakshman didn't say anything and just smiled or may be..... blushed silently. Both of them remained silent for a a while. Lot's of thoughts were dancing in Urmila's mind....
The way he just noticed her caring for him,
the way he called her just 'urmila',
the way he was laughing,
The way he was sharing his childhood stories...
Urmila was too touched by all this and trying to hide her red cheeks. But then to avoid this silence she said- " by the way i have a question for you. That day, at Gouri mata's temple, how did you know that i am Urmila?"

" It was simple...  your look was clearly describing your identity."- Lakshman replied

Urmila- "huh... ? What do you mean? "

Lakshman- " The amount of jewelleries on your body Rajkumari.... since the day we have came to Mithila, we have been hearing about you four princesses every where. Especially in your gurukul. Samichi had already known and recognised Rajkumari Sita, so it was easy to recognise you as well. Because you are the famous shringar loving princess who is known as the reflection of Princesses Sita. "

Suddenly a maid came and bowed down to Lakshman and said- "Rajkumar Lakshman, your elder brother rajkumar Ram is looking for you to leave with."

Lakshman- " okay, I'm coming "

Both Lakshman and Urmila stood up. Then he joined his palms and said- " See you soon... Rajkumari Urmila"

Urmila also smiled widely- " go safely, rajkumar Lakshman"

Lakshman left and Urmila just kept looking at him without taking eyes off. Again her anxiety, fear, trauma everything had just vanished by his presence and she was touched. Today she saw a whole new side of him. The gentleness in his fierce gaze..... It's been just three days but she was feeling as if she knows him since eternity.

Urmila took a deep breath and smiled with her blushy cheeks because she was going to keep thinking about this whole conversation for whole night, since she hates to sleep. Her soul was going to preserve this precious moment of heart to heart conversation with the man she loves.

LAKSHMAN PRIYA Where stories live. Discover now