42: Apocalypse

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"You can not stop me! I will tear everyone apart!" Starscream shrieked. "STARTING WITH OPTIMUS PRIME!" Starscream then fired upon the Prime, and I shielded him from the blast with my ghostly titain's hand, the energy becoming absorbed within the light. "What?!"

"Hear me, Starscream." I said as I stepped towards him. "You have committed atrocities to this universe, one which has been repeated over and over again by those who came before you."

"And what would you know?! How would you know?!"

"I've seen every single one of them die. Felt the life from each one become nothing but shreds and fragments." I said with a dark expression. "Which is why I will only request this once Starscream, surrender and back down."

"Never!" Starscream snapped. I then sensed something rapidly approaching the current universe, something I recognized.

"Then you won't just be facing the Mediator, you will be facing... him." A portal opened not far, and out came a Cybertronian voyager class Decepticon, out of it with damage, and a missing optic was none other than Megatron. He lept out of the voyager class bot and landed below in a plume of dust, his gaze fixed upward towards Starscream.

"Megatron?!" Starscream exclaimed in surprise before shifting his expression to that of determination. "You're too late! I've already made judgement of this universe! And it is GUILTY!"

"The only guilty one here, Starscream, is you." I said coldly. I then swatted at the former seeker, and Starscream opened fire upon me, the blasts doing next to nothing to my form.

"CROATON! ATTACK!" Starscream ordered. The titain then swung at me with his fist, and I caught it with a resounding boom while the bots below battled the Quintessons and Sharkticons.

"Croaton." I said to the titain as I grappled with him. "You must break free from Starscream's control!"

"I'm afraid he can't hear you, Y/D!" Starscream cackled.

"Croaton. Break free! I know you can!" I then sensed Windblade from within the titain, and I reached for her telepathically while I battled with the titain physically.

'Windblade! If you can hear me, you need to help Croaton overthrow the Quintesson control! I can only maintain my current state for so long!' I called to her.

'I hear you Y/D. Keep up whatever it is you're doing!'

'Be careful, Windblade.' I then severed the telepathic connection and returned my full focus into restraining Croaton.

"I've had enough of this!" Starscream bellowed. "This universe is GUILTY!" Starscream then ripped open a rift to unspace, and the ooze began to pour out on massive globs.

"Astrotrain! Contain the unspace!" Megatron ordered. As Astrotrain barreled towards the rift, Croaton shoved me aside and grabbed the voyager class right out of the air, stopping him from reaching the rift. I shoved Croaton to the side and ran to the rift, each hand grabbing a side and desperately trying to close it.

"Croaton! Destroy him!" Starscream attempted to order, but the titian did not listen. Instead, Croaton broke free from the Quintesson bonds and left the battle. "What?! Where are you going?! Dammit, I don't need that tinfoil turkey anyway." Starscream then turned his attention to where I had been struggling to close the rift, a cocky smirk adorning his face. "Having difficulty? Here, let me make it worse!" Starscream then forced the rift to widen and more of the unspace poured in

"No! I won't let this happen again!" I cried as I fought hard against the ooze and the ever widening rift. "AS I WILL IT! SO IT SHALL BE!"

"What?!" Starscream shrieked as he watched in horror as I forced the rift to slam shut with a resounding boom at the same time a blast of energy slamming into the former seeker and shattering him into nothing but dust.

"It... it's over." I whispered. "The cycle is... broken." The glowing titain of myself faded, and my form slowly drifted down to the ground with a soft thud of my feet. I folded my new wings in and towered over the bots before me, my pale optics landing to Optimus and Megatron. "There is a choice to be made between you two, now that the Quintesson threat is behind us and a timeless cycle has been broken. Will there be peace? Or will there be war once again?"

"There will be peace... for now." Megatron said. "On one condition, half of Cybertron falls under Decepticon control. None of your Autobots will cross that line unless they wish to be terminated."

"The Autobots shall inhabit the other half, and the same terms apply to Decepticons." Optimus said.

"Wait, what about Y/D?" Hot Rod asked. "He isn't on any side."

"He will have free roam of both our sides." Megatron said with an oddly soft expression. "He has earned that right, as Mediator between our factions."

"Then let the line be drawn here." I said as I summoned a staff and slammed the butt of it into the ground, creating a glowing line that separated the sides. "And let us leave each other in peace."

As Autobots and Decepticons separated to their respective sides, I noticed Hot Rod giving me a strange look, anxiety building in my spark.

"Hot Rod? Is something wrong?" I asked as I approached him.

"Y/D, I need to talk to you. In private and away from the others. Its... it's important." I nervously followed the younger bot to a side street where he turned around and looked up at me with a hesitant expression.

"What's on your mind?" I asked.

"Listen... when um, when I met you face to face back on earth I... I sorta... kinda..." He then began to play with his digits, and a blue blush attacked his face. "I just... I really..."

"It's okay, take your time." I said with a gentle smile.

"I just... I don't want to hurt you or push you away, especially since you're ya know, super powerful, and stuff."

"What? You think I'm gonna blast you out of here?" I chuckled in amusement.

"No, uh.... I just..." He then let out an annoyed sigh and stared at the ground. I then lightly lifted his chin to face me one again.

"Hot Rod, sometimes actions speak louder than words."

"Then... don't get mad or... well, anything. I just don't want to ruin what we have already." He then gently pulled me down slightly and placed a quick peck on my cheek, my spark practically jumping out of me as I became bluer than the skies of earth. Hot Rod pulled away in embaressment, and I knew what I had to do.

"I see what you are saying, Hot Rod." I said with a soft and tender expression. "May I also allow my actions to speak for me?"

"I um, yes." He said. I looked around and made sure no one was watching before pulling Hot Rod into a deep and passionate kiss, the Autobot stiffening in surprise before completely melting away like putty. When I broke the kiss, Hot Rod stared up at me in complete disbelief, followed by an anamoured expression.

"What's that look for sunshine?" I teased.

"Just happy that I bagged a good bot."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

A/n So cute, I can't! My gay little heart!

Also what should the next fic be? I'm feeling one of these

Tfp Wheeljack X reader
Tfp Ultra Magnus X reader
Tfp Bulkhead X reader
Tfp Ratchet X reader
Tfp Knockout X reader (would be a poly for the start)
Cyberverse Bumblebee X reader

I wanna know! Gimme comments!

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