30: Underground

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The group of us ended up in some sort of emerald haze filled cavern that felt like a strange prehistoric world.

"What is this place?" Cheetor asked.

"Old caverns where energon rivers used to flow when the Allspark was in its proper place. Now they are all dried up and filled with energon waste." Hot Rod explained as he gestured to the painfully familiar black ooze. "Don't step in that. It's extremely toxic." As we passed through, I stopped in my tracks and stared into the black pools that occasionally bubbled and hissed, the memory of the ooze from my visions haunting my mind.

"Y/D! We have to keep going!" Bumblebee called to me. "Y/D?"

"What's up with him?" Cheetor asked.

"I don't know." Hot Rod said. He then approached me and placed a gentle hand on my back, the pressure from the touch pulling me from my mind. "You okay? You got the stares again."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's keep going. Where there's a river there's a further way d-" I was then cut off by the sound of something landing not far from us and we all whipped around to see Drift slowly approaching with his blades drawn.

"So, you're taking the Allspark through the back door while Optimus keeps the Decepticons busy." Drift said with a look in his optics that I recognized.

"Drift. Don't you even think about it." I growled.

"Megatron wants you dead Y/D, and he wants the Allspark." The turncoat sneered.

"Then come and get me, Drift!" I snapped. Drift then charged at me and managed to tackle me to the ground only to get slammed aside by Hot Rod.

"Bumblebee! Cheetor! Get out of here! We'll handle the Decepticon!" Hot Rod ordered.

"But -" Bumblebee started to say before getting cut off by me.

"GO DAMMIT!" I shouted as I jumped back up and slammed a fist into Drift, the agile mech switching between Hot Rod and myself in a classic 2 v 1 duel.

As I was about to dodge a hit, I felt my foot slip on the edge of the toxic river, and I stepped into it. A shock of agony ran up my leg, and I yanked it out of the ooze to re-engage with Drift. Drift then shoved Hot Rod into the ooze, and he pulled Drift down with him.  I panicked as I didn't see either of them come back up, and I knew what I had to do. I jumped into the black ooze and  scrambled in a desperate search for Hot Rod.

The more I struggled to feel around for him, the weaker and weaker I got. Everything felt like it was on fire, and I began to stiffen as the toxic sludge took its toll on my body.

'I'm not going to give up! Not on him!' I thought as I dover deeper and deeper into the ooze. I dont know how long I was in the black depths, but it felt like ages. As I was about to give up and succumb to the ooze, I felt a familiar hand brush up against mine. I reached for it and grabbed ahold of the mech I sought and did my best to swim up and out of the sludge. Eventually, I broke through and pulled the unconscious bot out and onto the rocky ground, the rest of me following suite.

"Hot Rod? Can you hear me?" I said fearfully as I pulled the rest of his body out of the sludge. "Cmon, cmon, this isn't the place to die! I won't let you!" I then slung his unconscious frame over my shoulders, and I looked about for a place where he would be safe. I spotted a little nook with a large diagonal rock resting on the opposite wall and knew that's where I had to go. "Hang in there, sunshine. I got you."

I carefully made my way over to the nook and gently placed him down, Hot Rod letting out a strained groan as I did.

'Cmon cmon think! How can you help him?' I thought desperately. My hands then began to give off a soft glow, and something told me to hover them over his chassis. Hesitantly, I complied with the instinct, and the energy gently flowed onto his system, his beautiful blue optics slowly opening and looking up at me as I healed him. When the glow faded Hot Rod tried to sit up but I gently pushed him down.

"Don't move. Please." I said quietly.

"What... what was that?" He asked.

"I don't know. How are you feeling?"

"Exhausted, cold, and in pain... but I'll live." I then sat next to him and pulled him to my chassis to keep him warm and safe.

"Take it easy, okay? Try and rest, and I'll keep watch. Once you feel ready, we can resurface and join the others.

"What about Bee and Cheetor?"

"They'll be fine. Just rest, okay?" Hot Rod hesitantly nodded but was far too drained to do anything about it. He snuggled into my chassis and fell into a deep recharge. As he rested on me, I felt my spark thunder in my chassis at how peaceful his face was against me. The way his chassis gently rose and fell with each vent, the fact that he clung to my chest plating with one hand while the other was tucked behind my back, the way he seemed so relaxed, all of it was intoxicating to me in a way I couldnt describe.

Yes, I could. That was a flat-out lie.

It made me fall further and further in love with him. I wanted to be like this every night as we recharged, and I wanted to wake up to his face. I began to fantasize about his sleepy expressions that I've seen back on the Ark, slightly groggy with a hint of grump. It was adorable. He was adorable. I pulled him closer to me and continued to keep him warm and safe.

'It can't happen... but I won't let anyone take my sunshine away.' I thought as I continued to watch over him, unaware of the danger that was coming our way.

a/n Dun dun duuuuuuunn!

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