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A/n sleepy Y/D!

"Pst, Bee, look at this." I heard Hot Rod whisper, his voice waking me from my recharge, but I didn't open my optics.

"Is he... recharging on the floor?" Bumblebee whispered back. I then felt a digit poke my cheek, and I swatted it away with a slightly grouchy grunt. I opened my optics and rubbed them almost like an overtired sparkling before stretching and popping my joints.

"What's up?" I said with a yawn when I looked up at Bumblebee.

"We were wondering where you went." Hot Rod said. I then stood and returned my blades to their holsters before responding.

"I find I recharge better like this. Kinda use to it." I said with a shrug. "But why were you looking for me?"

"Grimlock was wondering if you were coming to his party." Bumblebee said.

"A what?" I said with a confused blink. "Is that like, some sort of meeting or?"

"Dude, you don't know what a party is?" Hot Rod asked in disbelief. "It's a get-together to celebrate."

"Decepticons don't really do that sort of thing." I said sheepishly.

"They are awesome! Grimlock's especially. It starts in an hour."

"I don't think it's a good idea." I said nervously.

"Cmon, you're just being shy."

Let's just say I was right in that regard. The party went as you would expected with socialization, energon, and all sorts of things. While others were getting along quite well, I ended up shrinking off to the side and staying out of the way. It only really became a disaster for me when there was a loud bang from Grimlock accidently dropping something, the sound triggering a panic in me.

"Whoops! My bad!" Grimlock laughed as he and Hot Rod cleaned up the mess.

"Hey, Y/D! Think you can give us a hand?" Hot Rod called to me. "Y/D?" I stared blankly at him and quickly left the vicinity as I felt myself struggle to keep my emotions inside. My vents became rapid and ragged as I stumbled into the halls. Eventually, I ended up leaning against one with my forehelm pressed against the wall and one of my arms stabilizing me against it. My spark pounced irradically, and I felt like I was about to pass out when a memory came to the surface.


"Sire? What's going on?" I asked as Megatron stood outside my small berthroom.

"Youngling, we aren't safe here." Megatron said as he picked up my smaller frame and held me close to his chassis.

"Sire? I don't understand." I said.

"Your carrier... she was murderered. I fear they may come for you next."

"Carrrier... she's dead?" I whispered with tears in my optics. I felt absolute anguish at the news, but that was quickly replaced by anger. "Who did it?"

"I don't know, but we need to get you out of here."

Before I could respond, blaster fire rained down on our tiny home, and I ran out of our tiny home to slam right into the leg of an Elite Guard.

"Move it, brat!" The guard snapped as he grabbed me and chucked me to the side. It was then that I put some of the training I learned from Megatron to use. As I fell, I grabbed the Elite Guard's blaster and yanked it from his hands, my stance becoming defensive and my wings trembling on my back.

"Get back, you dirty scum!" I barked angrily.

"He's got a blaster! Fire at him!" The guard ordered

"Sir, he's just a youngling -"

"I SAID F-" Before the guard barking orders could finish, I shot him right in the chassis and sent him to the ground.

"ANYONE ELSE WANT TO TRY ME?!" I shrieked with a fury in my optics that startled the guard.

"What do we do?" One of them asked another.

"You run." I growled, aiming the weapon again at the group of Elite Guard. "Because I'll be hunting you all down!"


"Y/D?" Hot Rod said in a hushed voice, his hand reaching for me, and I whipped around with panic on my face. "Ratchet, it's happening again. I'm going to try and calm him down." He called through the comlink

"Don't touch me!" I quietly snapped. "Stay back!

"Whoa, whoa, hey, it's okay. It's me, Hot Rod. I'm going to help you sit, okay? Will you let me do that?" He asked gently, to which I nodded. He then gently guided me to a seat and had me sit up straight so I could vent easier.

"I got your call, Hot Rod." Ratchet said as he ran over. "What triggered it?"

"I don't know. I think it was Grimlock knocking over that empty energon cube that set him off." Hot Rod said.

"Y/D, look at me." Ratchet said to which I snapped my focus to the medic. "I need you to slow your vents. Otherwise, you'll pass out."

"I-I can't!" I panickingly whispered.

"Yes, you can. Y/D. Like this." Hot Rod said. He then took a deep vent in and then released it slowly. I copied him, and after a while, I calmed down enough to where I regained my senses but was extremely drained.

"Not bad, Hot Rod. Almost would believe you were a medic." Ratchet joked. "Y/D, are you okay?"

"I... I am now." I muttered. "Nngh, that was embaressing."

"Get him to his room, I'll inform Optimus." Ratchet said. With the help of Hot Rod, I was able to make it back to my habsuite and onto my berth.

"I'm sorry I didn't listen to you Y/D... or checked in sooner." Hot Rod said.

"It's fine. You didn't know that would happen." I said with a small smile. "Least I didn't pass out this time."

"Heh, yeah. It would take a bus to move you." Hot Rod teased.

"Hey, I'm not THAT big."

"You're 2 head's taller than I am."

"Yeah, and there are bots even taller, shorty." I teased.

"Hey! I'm not THAT short." Hot Rod huffed with an adorable pout.

"By Decepticon standard? You are pretty short." I chuckled before pausing a moment. "Thanks for... looking for me again and helping me calm down."

"You don't need to keep thanking me, you know, we're friends, and that's what friends do."

"You... consider me a friend?" I asked curiously.

"Well, yeah, why wouldn't I?" I didn't know how to respond to his question, and that dilemma was written all over my face. To cover it up, I pulled Hot Rod into a hug and gave a quiet sigh.

'You are more than a friend to me, Hot Rod.' I thought as I released the mech. 'More than you'd ever understand.'

Wild Ride (Cyberverse Mech!reader X Hot Rod)Where stories live. Discover now