4: The Gift

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'Ugh, lookout duty again.' I thought to myself as I sat in my usual spot whenever I got the assignment to keep an optic out for Decepticon scouts high above the crashed Autobot ship. 'Least they are starting to trust me a little. They let me have my weapons back.' I then quietly sighed to myself as I scanned about aimlessly, making sure to stay out of sight.

"Hot Rod to Y/D, how you holding up there, big guy?" Hot Rod called through the comlink.

"Nothing to report so far, was about to ask if Wheeljack had- hold on." I paused a moment, and my optics went wide at what I saw. "Alert Prime! Megatron and his top lieutenants are coming! I'm going into intercept."

"Y/D don't!" I ignored Hot Rod and dove down and landed on my feet with blades drawn and battle mask raised.

"Ah, so the runaway is here." Starscream sneered as he, Shadowstriker, Soundwave, Megatron, and Shockwave all approached.

"You have a lot of nerve showing your faces here." I snarled angrily.

"Have you lost your senses?" Megatron growled as several Autobots exited The Ark and stood behind me at a distance. "Why would you betray your own sire like this?"

"I picked up a weapon so I may kill whomever murderered my carrier." I said coldly as a dark rage built up in me. "And right now, I'm staring right into his face!"

"Y/D stand down." Optimus ordered.

"Not until he gives me a fragging Primus damn good reason for terminating my carrier!" I barked as I pointed at Megatron with my blade. "And make it quick!"

"How dare you speak to Megatron like that!" Starscream snapped.

"I speak to him as he is. A MURDERER AND A LIAR WHO CREATED A MONSTER!" As I shrieked out that last sentence, the ground began to rumble, and pebbles rose up slightly from the ground. "ANSWER ME YOU FRAGGING COWARD! WHY DID YOU KILL HER?!"


"SHE WAS A STORE CLERK AND MY CARRIER!" Sparks began to flicker off of my frame, and my optics went a pale white with a very, very small tint of blue. "SHE WAS INNOCENT!" I then slammed my foot into the ground and telekinetically lifted a chunk of ground up and chucked it at Megatron, catching everyone by pure surprise. I would be to by my newfound power if I wasn't completely enraged and hungry for death.

"Open fire!" Shadowstriker ordered. Several Decepticons came out of hiding and fired upon me while the Autobots dealt with the top lieutenants, and I dealt with Megatron. I dodged and dove like something out of a nightmare to avoid the blaster fire. The only focus I had was on Megatron. I retracted my blades and went straight for his head with a hard and fast strike, instigating a brawl between sire and son.

"I'LL KILL YOU! YOU HEAR ME?! ILL KILL YOU AND TEAR YOU APART!" I roared as I slammed my fists into Megatron over and over again in a furry of strikes, Megatron returning the favor in a gladiatorial fashion.

"She was weak Y/D! You know this!" Megatron said.

"I. DONT. CARE!" I shrieked loudly as I telekinetically lifted the warlord up and tossed him about like a ragdoll. Whatever was happening to me was only getting worse the longer I remained, the sparks flying off of me growing even stronger, and voices of the bots all around me poured into my head. I ended up dropping Megatron and grabbing at my head with a shriek of pain as the voices grew louder, my hands covering my audials in a futile effort to silence the noise.

"Decepticons! Fall back!" Megatron bellowed, he and the other Decepticons quickly retreating. The voices continued to echo in my mind, and the pain from whatever was affecting me grew in intensity as I tried to gain control.

I then saw flashes of what I knew were titains, but they were faint and distorted among the fog of voices. I could sense all of them, and yet at the same time, none of them. I saw flashes of a void with swirling color like that of an oil slick on water, in the center floating a singular spark. My spark. Suddenly, the visions and voices faded, and my frame collapsed to its side, the sparks dying down to a sizzling steam.

"Y/D!" Hot Rod called to me as he ran over to my half concious form. "Scrap scrap! No, no."

"What was that?" The autobot called Arcee asked the Prime.

"I do not know." He said.

"I may have an answer. But we should bring him inside." The Autobot city speaker Windblade said, her voice being the last thing I heard before fully passing out.


"He's coming around." Ratchet said as my optics slowly blinked open. "That's it, Y/D. Cmon."

"Nnng, point that thing elsewhere." I muttered in reference to the light Ratchet was shining on me. I then swatted it slightly and sat up with the biggest processor ache I've ever felt in my life. As my vision cleared, I saw that I wasn't alone and that Optimus, Hot Rod, and Windblade were also present. "Urgh... what happened?"

"What do you remember?" Hot Rod asked.

"I... the last thing I remember was confronting Megatron. Everything else is a blur." I winced in pain as my processor started to pound in my head, my denta clenching together as I tried to stuff it down.

"Y/D, do you have any sort of telepathic or telekinetic abilities?" Windblade asked.

"No, why?" I asked as I shook the processor ache off.

"Because you demonstrated both of those out there in the battle with Megatron." She said. "It was unlike anything I've seen before."

"Wait, so, like, I'm a City Speaker or something?" I asked with a confused look.

"More than that. You are a Titain Master, possibly the strongest form of city speaker to ever exist." Windblade said. "I can help you learn to control these incredible gifts you've been given." I glanced over to Optimus and Hot Rod in confusion before returning my attention to Windblade.

"Am... am I even worth it?" I asked hesitantly.

"If Hot Rod and Optimus think so, I'd be an idiot to disagree."

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