23: Self Sacrifice

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Unfortunately,  we were not the only ones who came looking.

"Optimus Prime, what a unique surprise." Megatron growled as he and his Decepticons came through one of the ground bridges. "It seems you are in my way yet again!"

"You will not have the Allspark." Optimus said firmly.

"And neither shall you!" As the two sides began to charge, I sensed something powerful aproach from behind us. I drew my glaive and turned in time for a large ground bridge portal to open and out emerged Starscream. Everyone stopped and looked up at him in horror as he hovered in front of us.

"Well, well, I was going to look for you individually, but it seems I won't be needing to do that." Starscream sneered. "I shall liberate all of your sparks at once!"

"What is this?!" Megatron snarled.

"The Allspark, it's inside him!" Cheetor exclaimed.

"Correct! I have become the ultimate being! And now, it's time for all of you to rejoin the Allspark!" Starscream shrieked as he flicked his wrists and encased everyone, including myself, in some sort of crimson energy. However, I was not about to let Starscream gain the upper hand.

I fought hard against his control and slowly looked up at him with a dark expression on my face. I took a step forward despite his control, Starscream's optics widening in fear.

"What?! How are you resisting me!?" He shrieked.

"The.... Anomaly.... is resilient..." Cheetor strained to say.

*Starscream. Stop this madness!* I managed to sign to the .ad seeker

"Never! I'm so close to perfection! I will take your spark just to prove it! Ahahahaha!" Starscream then manipulated the crimson energy so that it bore into my chassis, and my optics went wide as I silently screamed.

'Primus almighty!' I thought fearfully as I felt Starscream pull my spark from my chassis. 'Please! Help!

'Anomaly. Awaken.' I heard a voice whisper. I looked down at my glaive and saw ancient Cybertronian lettering glow brightly on the blade, the glow running up the weapon and into my body. A bright blue light drove away my reds, and my optics went wide as they turned white. The energy field that was around me shattered into shards, leaving me standing in the center. I knew what I had to do. I jumped into the air, and a brilliant blue flame encased me as I charged at Starscream, the seeker's optics widening in absolute terror at what he saw.

"What the!" He was cut off when I slammed into him and forced him to release the Autobots and Decepticons. Starscream slid to a halt and looked up at me in fear as I floated above. On the outside, I was just me, but what Starscream saw was something not of this existence. To him he saw a heavily armored titain of a being that was twice his height with two sets of angelic like wings and a halo of blue fire, it's optics fixed upon his very spark and reading his every emotion, every thought, every desire.

The others slowly came to and looked up to see a different iteration of the same titain in their minds.

"Are you seeing this?" Bumblebee whispered to Hot Rod.

"Y/D?" Hot Rod said.

'Starscream, you have abused your power, and thus it shall be removed.' I said telepathically to everyone.

"No! You can't take it! I am the Allspark!"

'And I am an Anomaly.' I then raised my arm and blasted Starscream with a burst of telekinetic energy so intense that it forced the Allspark out of him, the gem-like object bouncing across the floor before skidding to a stop. The light and image faded from me, and my frame dropped to the floor like a sack of hammers.

"Y/D!" Hot Rod cried out as he ran to my unconscious form. "Wake up, please wake up!" Hot Rod tried to shake me awake, but it proved to be useless. I was unable to respond.

"Such pathetic heroics." Megatron growled as he stood and picked up the Allspark. "I always warned him that playing the hero would kill him."

"He saved your life too, afthead!" Hot Rod snapped as he pulled the upper half of my frame to his chassis. "He made a choice to save you after everything you did to him!"

"An idiotic choice. Now I shall terminate him and be rid of his interference!" Megatron powered up his arm cannon and fired a blast at Hot Rod and myself, Optimus diving in front of the blast and firing one back. While a battle raged on, I was back in the void. This time, it felt different. I saw glimpses of events that never happened and memories of things I didn't do dart about like tiny stars in an endless sea of shifting void.

'What's all this?' I asked the void. One of the glittering memories darted up to me, and I gently touched it. I saw a battle that I never partook in with bots I've never seen before. Each time one bot fell, 16 more would rise up. 'This is so... familiar. I don't understand! What does any of this mean?!' I started to grow frustrated with the lack of information or being to even speak to. 'Will anyone give me any answers?!' As expected, no one answered.

I felt myself fall once again through the void, and my optics snapped open with a loud gasp, startling the Pits out of Ratchet when i jolted upright.

"Whoa, whoa, easy there, Y/D." Ratchet said as he pushed me back to a laying position on the medical berth. "Glad to see you functioning again."

* What happened? How'd I get here?*

"You saved our sparks Y/D. Literally." Hot Rod said as he and the others entered the med bay. I looked over to them and let out a relieved sigh as I laid back down.

"Who knew titain masters could do that!" Bumblebee exclaimed.

"That wasn't anything a titain master can do, Bee." Windblade said. "That sort of power is unheard of."

*power?* I signed with confusion.

"You don't remember turning into some sort of glowing titain and blasting Starscream?" Hot Rod asked, to which I shook my head. That motion was a huge mistake as a throbbing processor ache smacked into me so hard I almost passed out.

"I doubt he remembers much. His latest scans show his processor relieved quite the scramble." Ratchet said.

"We all owe you a great debt Y/D." Optimus said with a small smile.

* What about the Allspark? Did you get it?* I signed with a worried look.

"Yeah, we did! You blasted it right out of Starscream!" Hot Rod grinned. I sighed in relief and gave the group a small smile.

"I believe we need to give Y/D some rest, my friends." Grimlock said. "He's been through quite a wild ride."

Little did I realize that this was only the beginning of said wild ride.

Wild Ride (Cyberverse Mech!reader X Hot Rod)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ