14: Trials

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"I am -" Optimus started to say before being cut off by Cheetor.

"You are Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots." He said before turning his attention to the warlord. "And you are Megatron, leader of the Decepticons." His focus then went to me, and there was some strange familiarity behind his emerald optics. "And you are Y/D the Anomaly." I gave him a questioning look in response. "All three of you seek the Allspark for different reasons. I want to know what those reasons are."

"Cybertron is dead because of my actions." Optimus said. "I must return the Allspark and bring the planet back to life."

"He lies!" Megatron snapped. "He wants to use the Allspark to destroy the Decepticons and create an Autobot race that will obey him and him alone!" If I could laugh, I would have done so right then and there, but of course, no sound came out as I silently chuckled with a grin and a shake of my head.

"What about you, Y/D? Why do you search for the Allspark?" Cheetor asked. I paused a moment and became deep in thought before shrugging in response. I didn't know why I was drawn to the search, I simply was. Cheetor seemed to understand, however. "You heard the call and followed it without fear. You understand it like I do but in a vastly different way."

"What are you talking about, cat?" Megatron spat.

"I too am confused as to what you mean Cheetor." Optimus said.

"Y/D, use your telepathic abilities to show what you mean to these two." Cheetor said.

I hesitated at first but then closed my optics as I made the two leaders feel the tug I felt earlier, Optimus looking at me with awe while Megatron seemed disgusted. I pulled the emotion away and gave a small smile when nothing bad happened.

"Now we shall begin the trials!" Cheetor said. As the two leaders were about to square up, they were cut off by the curious cat. "Megatron, before you met Optimus Prime, he was a file clerk. What files was he in charge of?" I knew the answer but hesitated as I was unsure if I was allowed to show it.

"What? Files? Who cares?" Megatron growled.

"Y/D? Do you know the answer?" Cheetor asked. I nodded and used my telepathy to show everyone an image of the Iacon Hall of Records, specifically the archival section. "That's correct!"

"How did you know that?" Optimus asked. I only smiled at him as a response.

"Next question! Optimus Prime, before you met Megatron, he was a celebrated gladiator. In his most famous victory, who did he defeat?" Again, I knew the answer but paused and waited.

"I... I am uncertain. Why are you asking?" Optimus said.

"Y/D?" I then telepathically projected the name Devistator Maximus to the trio.

"You remember that fight, don't you Y/D? Where I crushed his brain module." Megatron said, to which I nodded.

"Another Point for Y/D! So far, you two are not doing too well in the trials. This brings me to this question! Megatron, what is Y/D's darkest secret?" I shot Cheetor a warning glare in response.

"Who cares what some reject thinks!" Megatron snapped. "This has gone on long enough!"

"Agreed." Optimus said.

"Well, uh, how about a trial by combat?" Cheetor suggested nervously. The two rivals didn't even hesitate as they duked it out with each other. I looked over to Cheetor and sensed that he was quite worried about the whole thing. I placed a gentle hand on his shoulder and gave him a reassuring nod in the hope that it would boost his spirit. He then looked over to me and gave me a smile in response. "I'll be okay Y/D, thanks for your concern."

As the two leaders battled, I felt something strange from the Allspark, something that I couldn't explain. It almost felt.... afraid. I glanced over to Cheetor, and he looked over to me, clearly sensing the distress as well. That's when the last person we ever thought to see came zipping out of one of the portals and snatched the Allspark.

'Starscream.' I thought as I glared at the seeker, gesturing for him to drop it.

"Sorry, Y/D, I don't speak moron." He cackled. I charged at him only for Megatron to be an absolute idiot and fire his cannon at my back, knocking me to the ground. He and Optimus were both when after Starscream, but it was too late. Starscream had escaped.

"The Allspark!" Cheetor exclaimed in distress.

"You got in the way, Y/D!" Megatron snapped as I stood and shot a dark glare at him. I slowly approached Megatron and gave him a gesture I had learned from he humans known as 'flipping the bird' before jabbing a digit into his chassis. "How dare you!"

"Megatron, I should have expected this from you." Optimus said.

"Erm, yes. Yes, you should have. And now we must go." Megatron lied unconvingingly as he fled the same way Starscream did. Anger boiled in me, and I went to Chase after Megatron, but Optimus stopped me.

"Y/D, you need to calm yourself first." The Prime said. "Then we can strategize how to retrieve the Allspark." I sighed quietly in response and pinched the space between my optics before following him and Cheetor back to where we came from.

"Optimus, did you find the Allspark?" Wheeljack asked as the Prime stepped on through.

"Yes, but it has been lost to the Decepticons. However, we have a new ally." Optimus then gestured to Cheetor, who was next to leave the portal.

"Greetings! I am Cheetor, guardian of the Allspark and future friend to you all!" He said with a smile. He then looked back as I stepped on through, and Hot Rod noticed the large singe mark that adorned my back.

"Y/D! Are you okay?" Hot Rod asked. I nodded and gently brushed off the burnt paint.

"The anomaly is far stronger than he looks, friend." Cheetor said.

"We kinda know tha- wait, did you just call him an Anomaly?" Windblade asked. "What do you mean by that?"

"It's complicated, and I don't even know all the answers."

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