22: Diversion

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Let's just say we didn't find Skybyte. He found us. This is surprising since he's a giant flying shark and all.

"Y/D, look out!" Jetfire exclaimed as Skybyte dove down from above and slammed into me so hard that I ended up crashing to the ground, leaving behind a massive crater with my form laying dead center Skybyte then shifted forms and helped me to my feet much to my hidden annoyance.

"Forgive me, I was far too quick in rescuing you." Skybyte said. "You are unharmed, my starlight?"

'This is humiliating.' I thought as I reluctantly nodded.

"Skybyte! Keep your grubby fins off of him!" Jetfire bellowed from above.

"I will protect you from this auto-fool!" Skybyte said as he charged up at Jetfire. The two brawled in the air like something out of the Pits of Kaon, each blow the pair delivered harder than the last.

'Well, might as well enjoy this stupidity.' I thought as I watched them duke it out above. While I was engrossed by their battle, I felt something jam into my back and send a painful shock of electricity through me. I silently screamed and went down with a crash.

"I got him!" Was the last thing I heard before another blast of electricity forced me to shut down and go into stasis.


"Starscream, he's waking up." The voice of Acidstorm said as my optics slowly opened. I tried to move but found I was completely bound with a set of cuffs on my wings and legs. I tried to move my arms but found them also firmly bound behind my back. I looked up from my seated position to Starscream and the other seekers all looking down at me.

"Ah, my dear Y/D. I must apologize for the restraints. They were necessary to ensure you wouldn't escape." I wanted to question him, but the restraints not only kept me still, it kept me silent. "To think all it would take to keep those fools Jetfire and Skybyte busy was to convince them that the other kidnapped you for their leader. A distraction on multiple fronts." Starscream then gently lifted my head with a singular digit and ran a thumb over my cheek. "Something I leaned from you."

'Pits, what does he think he's doing?!' I thought while keeping a stoic expression.

"You know, we could liberate the sparks together. A fitting end for two powerful beings, is it not?" Starscream cooed in my audial as he circled me, his hand gently gliding over my wings and causing me to shiver. "Seekers, leave me and Y/D be for a moment." The other seekers looked at each other and then quickly hurried off through one of the various ground bridge portals that dotted the cavern. He then freed one of my hands and re-cuffed them in front of me, giving me my ability to communicate back.

* Why are you doing this?* I signed.

"Because it's my destiny Y/D. As it is yours as well."

* What are you talking about?*

"The Allspark spoke of you, that you have a fate outside of this universe's understand. That you are an Anomaly and 'will unite the divided with divine light.' Clearly, you possess some incredible ability that the Allspark needs to liberate both Autobots and Decepticons! You are my key, Y/D!"

* What you are suggesting is maddness! I can't do anything like that!*

"You were able to control myself and my children. You have incredible god-like power. How can you not be the key?"

*I can barely hold a psychic connection on my own. How in Pits am I supposed to do what you want?*

"We can figure that out using Vector Sigma." Starscream smirked. He then pushed me upright and through a specific ground bridge where the seekers and Vector Sigma were waiting. He then pushed me back to the ground and went over to Vector Sigma along with Acidstorm, the other seekers gathering around to observe. Off to the side resting on a natural pedestal was the Allspark, and I knew I had to act quickly.

'Think Y/D think! You need to tell the others you found the Allspark and the seekers.' I thought to myself as I looked about for something I could use. 'Dammit, this isn't good... Windblade, forgive me for what I'm going to attempt.' I then closed my optics and reached out for the city speaker with a massive struggle.

-with Windblade-

"Do you think Y/D is okay?" Hot Rod asked Windblade. "Skybyte seemed to think Jetfire kidnapped him."

"I don't know Hot Rod. I just don't - "

'WINDBLADE!' I telepathically cried out to her and Hot Rod.

"Y/D?! Where are you?" Hot Rod asked with fear.

'Starscream... trapped.... can't hold.... Allspark.... here....' I strained to communicate.

"Y/D, don't let go of the connection. We can find you through it." Windblade said.

'Can't... hold.... hard....'

"I know, just try your best!"

'Warn... Optimus!'

-with Y/D-

I ended up breaking the connection as it drained the energy from me, my quiet vents heavy and labored as I slumped forward. One of Starscream's creations crawled up to me and nudged my side. I flinched in response, and the sound alerted Starscream. The creature then chattered something to the seeker and clattered its way with the rest of its swarm

"What's that? Y/D is unwell?" Starscream asked the creature. "Oh, we can't have that, we need his spark to function in order to proceed. Acidstorm, continue your work."

"Yes, sir." Acidstorm said. Starscream then approached me, and I had to think fast.

"My dear, you wouldn't have happened to have done something to yourself to make you this way, would you?" He asked snidely. I shook my head no and decided to play into it by acting far weaker than I actually was, a tactic I learned when I was the Decepticons top assassin. I made my internal temperature rise, and I gently leaned into him.

"His internal temperature is dangerously high." Acidstorm said as she scanned my frame. "Something is definitely wrong."

"What could cause this?" Novastorm asked.

"Maybe your idiotic idea for using the EMP probe on him twice!" Thundercracker snapped.

"Hey! He was still moving! I had to make sure!"

"Silence! Both of you!" Starscream barked. "Arguing is not going to get you anywhere! Instead of playing the blame game, i want you to figure out what's going on! Now!" Thundercracker and Novastorm looked at each other before heading to my side and lifting me up off of the ground. They then half dragged half carried me to some sort of examination table where my cuffs were removed and my body placed down. That's when I struck. I decked Thundercracker right in the face and kicked Novastorm in her chassis before bolting out the nearest ground bridge and emerging in another chamber full of them.

'Dammit! Where do I go?!' I thought to myself as I jumped through another and another. After around 8 or 9 jumps, I was about to give up until I leaped out of one and slammed right into Hot Rod and the others.

"Y/D!" Hot Rod exclaimed in shock. "How did you escape?"

*long story, but we don't have much time! Come on!*

Wild Ride (Cyberverse Mech!reader X Hot Rod)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن