16: Negotiations

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'Okay, you got this.' I thought as I stood outside of the little meeting enclosure Wheeljack had set up. 'You are the middle ground, sire asked that you attended. Optimus wants you there, too. Just keep a blank face, and you'll be fine.' I then spotted the Prime and Megatron aproach followed by a selection few attendees, my wings stiffening in anxiety. I had attended a few of these negotiations back on Cybertron between the Prime and my sire, but usually, I was in the shadows and out of sight in case someone attacked.

"Y/D, are you ready to proceed?" Optimus asked. I nodded and gestured for the group to enter. Each faction took a side and sat in their place, my optics studying them carefully.

"Why is he here?" Soundwave questioned suspiciously as he and a few others entered to join Megatron.

"He's here for... mediation, and to ensure that Optimus doesn't try anything foolish." Megatron said. I stared at Megatron and subtly tapped the end of my glaive to the ground, silently signaling for him to watch what he said. Megatron was slightly surprised by this, but his demeanor returned to that of business.

"We are here to negotiate a temporary cease fire until Starscream has been dealt with." Optimus said.

"Nothing comes for free Optimus. If we are to work together to stop Starscream, it will be on Decepticon terms."

"And why should that be the case?" Optimus asked with suspicion.

"Because Starscream, despite being a traitorous piece of slag, is still a Decepticon. If what your cat friend says is true, then it should be us who handle it."

"And how are we to be sure that you won't just take Vector Sigma and the Allspark for yourself?" Optimus questioned. The two continued to go back and forth for some time, my focus on the conversation waning as I heard Soundwave playing some obnoxious noise to piss off Windblade.

"Do you mind cutting that down?" She hissed at Soundwave. "They are trying to negotiate." Soundwave being the third largest pain in my aft decided to steadily increase the volume just to agitate her. I shot a glare at both of the bots, Soundwave looking over to me and staring back. I made a motion with my hand in a way similar to that of a dial being turned down. Soundwave begrudgingly took the hint and lowered the volume.

"Y/D, we need your opinion on this." Megatron said as I was brought back into the conversation. I glanced at him and nodded, waiting for him to ask. "If we are to hold this truce, we need a representative. Optimus suggests that bug Bumblebee. However, I believe you are more suited for the job."

"Oh please, he can't even fragging talk anymore." Shadowstriker grunted.

"His actions speak far louder than his words." Optimus said. "However, Bumblebee is far more adaptable when dealing with varying personalities. Hence why i suggested him."

"Well? Your thoughts?" Megatron asked. I paused a moment and weighed the pros and cons of both suggestions. I gestured to myself and shrugged.

"You do not believe you are suited for the position?" Optimus asked, to which I made a so-so motion with my hand.

"No wonder." Soundwave muttered.

"Hey! Lay off of Y/D!" Windblade snapped. I tapped the end of my glaive to the ground and shot both of them a glare. I then pointed to both of them and then towards the exit. "Wh- Hey! I do not need to leave!"

"Nor do I." Soundwave growled. I then glared at them again and crossed my arms, motioning them to leave.

"It would be best for you both to calm down first." Optimus said as he interpreted what I was trying to communicate. The two bots begrudgingly left, and I shook my helm in slight disappointment.

"Y/D can handle the mediation between our factions." Megatron said.

"Is that what he wants, though?" Optimus asked with a hint of agitation in his voice. I looked toward the Prime and shook my helm to silently warn him of his anger.

"Does it matter?" Megatron spat.

"It does. You can't force a bot to do things they can't or won't be able to do." Optimus said sternly.

"He will do it if you want these negotiations to continue." Megatron snapped. I flinched slightly at his tone and reluctantly gave in. Hot Rod, who had been quietly watching off to the side, took notice of my reaction, and despite my best effort to conceal it, he could see right through my guise. He could tell I was becoming more and more anxious as the arguing and negotiating continued, all while keeping a blank face.

The arguing and debating went on for hours, and I was starting to feel drained from it all. It especially got bad when another point involved me.

"Y/D's mental capabilities will be our greatest asset in retrieving the Allspark. He may be able to locate it without that cat of yours." Megatron said.

"Cheetor is the guardian of the Allspark, and thus, it is his priority." Optimus said.

"Oh come now, surely you want someone unbiased to deal with such a thing, don't you?" Megatron said. I hated how he was speaking of me as if I was a disposable tool.

"Cheetor and the Allspark are bound to eachother, it is not our place to dictate such a thing." Optimus said.

"But it is our place! The fool lost it to Starscream and clesrly needs a better guardian. Replace him with Y/D." I wanted to disagree, to voice how much his suggestion was a poor idea, yet here I stood with no way to do it. I gave the pair a tired look in response.

"Hey, maybe we should take a break? You both have been going at it for hours." Hot Rod piped up. My gaze shifted to the fiery bot, and I shook my head nervously to warn him not to intervene.

"That would be wise. We shall return in an hour." Optimus suggested.

"Fine." Megatron grumbled. As the two sides dispersed, I followed Hot Rod to the quiet spot where I'd sometimes watch the stars with him and plunked down with my head in my hands. Hot Rod sat next to me and gently patted my shoulder.

"You okay, big guy?" He asked. I shook my head and sighed with a puzzled and exhausted expression. "Yeah, I figured. Those two can talk forever and ever and get nowhere." I nodded tiredly at him and gently rubbed my forehead as a processor ache crept up. "Maybe you should recharge a little? I'll wake you up when they need you again." I didn't even argue as I flopped back  onto the surprisingly soft ground and almost immediately fell into recharge.

Wild Ride (Cyberverse Mech!reader X Hot Rod)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora