1: Battlefield

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A/N rewriting is part of this book's charm :3 also drew Y/D cause fuck I can't make up my damn mind.

I stared blankly outside the front windshield of my sire's ship dubbed The Nemesis, my optics lazily watching as the stars darted across the black velvet of empty space as I was deep in thought. It was a common occurrence for me to stare off into the depths as the Decepticon Armada traveled, but this time was far more intense as our scientist Shockwave had informed us that they had located the Autobots.

Unlike my sire, my hate for them runs a different direction.

I wanted vengeance for the death of my carrier while Megatron wanted the destruction of Optimus Prime. I did not understand how the hatred to someone who wasn't much older than myself came about, but it ran deep and dark. It didn't matter to me what my sire did to the Prime or what his motives were. All that drove me was the act of vengeance.

Sire told me that when I was a youngling one of the Autobots murdered my carrier in cold blood before retreating to side with the Prime, and since then I've been hunting her murderer. Some would ask why I didn't go to the authorities. The reason?

They were corrupt. Plain and simple. They wouldn't care for the Conjunx of a miner or her youngling. They only cared about themselves and would rather see bots like me continue to suffer under their bureaucratic slagfest. I remembered when I first met one of the higher caste and how they looked down upon my family and I. It was disgraceful.

"You are deep in thought again." I heard my sire say from behind me, my head turning to him casually.

"Kind of hard when I'm so close to finding her murderer. You mentioned that Shockwave suspected one of the Autobots that left on the Ark." I said as Megatron joined my side.

"Yes, although we aren't certain which one. But you should prepare yourself for battle Y/D. A warrior must be at his full strength before launching am assault on his enemies."

"So you keep telling me. But sire, may ask something?" I said as I looked over to Megatron. He looked over to me with a curious expression as he awaited my question. "May I lead the assault?"

"Always looking to take the initiative? As to be expected of the Decepticon heir. You may lead the charge, but I lead the assault."

"Understood sire."

Soon we landed on a planet called Earth and all of the Decepticons geared up for the assault. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous, but I could not let the others know it.

"Hey Y/D!" My friend Clobber waved with a grin. "You ready to crush some Autobots?"

"As much as any Clobber, just remember to think before you swing. Don't want you decking Dead-end again."

"Heh, yeah. He's still mad about that." Clobber said sheepishly.

"Just watch your back out there." I said with a small smile.

"You too." She said after giving me a rather hard pat on the back that knocked the wind out of me. I snorted in amusement at her and then continued my usual pre-battle inspection until I met up with my sire and his obnoxious kiss-aft second in command Starscream. As much of an annoyance as the seeker was, I secretly pitied the abuse he received. Sure, most of the time he was asking for it, but it never sat right with me how much pain my sire inflicted on him.

"Sire, everyone should be ready soon." I said respectfully, Starscream glancing back at me with annoyance.

"Oh really? And have you checked the -"

"Yes Starscream. We do this every time." I growled. "Now shoo, I need to talk to my sire without you present. In the meantime make sure your seekers aren't goofing off behind my back." Starscream was about to protest before Megatron shot him a death glare that made the seeker gulp and bow before running off.

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