25: Escape from Earth

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"You ready for this big guy?" Hot Rod asked as we set up the diversion shuttles. I nodded, and a smirk crossed my face when I thought about the plan. It was brilliant, deceptive, and cunning, and in truth, I was excited. I settled down at my simulation station along with Bumblebee, cheetor, Windblade, and Grimlock.

"Ready my thespians?" Grimlock asked. We all nodded and activated the shuttles. "Red team one, we must reach the space bridge and keep the package secured."

"Copy that Grimlock." Windblade said. Hot Rod then signaled that the fabricated signal was intercepted by the Decepticons. It didn't take long for the Decepticons to attempt to intercept us, and we engaged with the starships that came flooding out from the Nemesis. I smirked and open fired, dodging and weaving the ships just like how I used to during the war on cycbertron. One ship came chasing up behind me, and I barrel rolled out of the way, forcing the ship to crash into another.

"Nice one, Y/D!" Bumblebee exclaimed. I smiled at him on the monitor and continued to absolutely decimate the Decepticons. Unfortunately, the others were not as successful in surviving and ended up being destroyed one by one. That's when I put on my true act. A look of grief crossed my face that I knew my sire would see, that expression turning to that of rage as I whipped the ship towards the engines.

On the Nemesis bridge -

Megatron watched me with wide optics and an expression of dread as he saw my ship rapidly speeding towards the engines of the Nemesis.

"What is he doing?!" Soundwave exclaimed. Suddenly, my ship slammed into the engines as hard and fast as possible, blowing the power core for one of them and slowing it down significantly.

"No!" Megatron cried with a mixture of grief and anger on his face. "No..."

"Crazy fool killed himself." Shadowstriker said.

"Search the wreckage! Find my son!"

"Excellent work! But did you really have to kill yourself Y/D?" Grimlock asked with a cocked optic ridge.

*It was necessary, besides crippling the Nemesis, will buy us time.* I then looked over to Optimus and signaled that we were ready to launch.

"Excellent work. Grimlock, Bumblebee, Windblade, Cheetor, Hot Rod, to your stations. Y/D, I want you to go and check in on Starscream. I know you two have a history, and he's been asking for you." I hesitantly looked over to Hot Rod and then back at the Prime with a reluctant nod before heading out into the halls and towards the brig.

'Why would Starscream want to talk to me of all bots?' I thought to myself. 'He's after something. I just know it.'

"For the last time! Get Y/D down here before I break through these bars and find him myself!" Starscream shrieked from his brig cell.

"Calm your circuits Starscream, he'll get here when he gets here!" Prowl snapped at him before turning his head and spotting me. "Speak of the stripped cog, and it shall come. Starscream has been driving me nuts."

* What does he want?* I signed as I gestured to Starscream and made a curious head tilt to clarify what I was trying to say.

"I don't know what he wants. Maybe you should ask him. I need a break." I chucked at the officer as he pressed his palm to his forehead and walked off, leaving me alone with the agitated seeker.

* What is it, Starscream?* I asked him.

"I heard of your incident in the med bay, and I want to know what happened." He said coldly.

* Why do you care, and how did you know about it?*

"I care because, despite you absolutely ruining me, I still have an attachment to you. As for how I knew? The guards talk a lot."

*Starscream, what game are you playing at?*

"No game at all, I just wonder how my former conjunx ended up being attached to some lowly grounder!"

* What in Pits are you talking about?* I asked with a confused look.

"Don't play dumb! I demand to know why you fell for that stupid grounder Hot Rod! You were mine!"

*I don't know where you heard such a thing, but Hot Rod and I are not a couple. We can never be one.* My expression changed to that of sadness as I looked away from the seeker.

"You actually have feelings for him? Bahahaha! Oh! Oh, if only Megatron knew!" I shot him a death glare and was about to leave when the ship suddenly lurched and alarms blared all around. I was flung to the side, and my head slammed hard into the bars of a parallel cell, a silent cry of pain leaving me at the impact before I passed out.

Once again, I was in the void, yet something odd was happening. There were no floating memories like before. Instead, there were 16 titain like being standing in the void with me. I knew these beings, but I did not know why.

'Who are you?' I asked the titains. All 16 of them pointed to me and fused together into one being that wore my face, the same one Hot Rod saw. 'I don't understand! What are you trying to tell me?!'

'The one with many faces has the answers.' The titain like being said. 'But the in-between has The Vault for you to awaken. A vault you carry the key to.'

'Key?' I asked. The titian then pointed to Shatterfang, and the glaive hovered in front of me.

'The item our friends call Shatterfang is the key to The Vault. When we reach the in-between, it must be used, or else the many-faced Judge will win again.'

'I still don't understand!'

'We will soon.' The titain like being then faded, and I felt myself fall yet again with a gasp, my optics snapping open to see that I somehow was now on the command bridge with everyone staring at me.

"Y/D? Are you there?" Hot Rod asked nervously.

* What... what just happened? Wait, why aren't we at Cybertron?*

"You don't remember anything, my friend?" Grimlock asked. I shook my head and shrunk back nervously.

"I can assist with this." Telatraan-x said as it displayed a video feed of me approaching the bridge while it was in utter chaos and a brilliant glow came from me as I gestured for Cheetor to hand me the Allspark.

"Y/D! I can't let you take it! You will only hurt yourself!" Cheetor said. I then seemed to telepathically tell him something that convinced him to hand it to me. I closed my optics, and the Allspark opened in a fury of blinding blue light that repaired the ship and flung us into deep space. The glow faded, and the Allspark drifted back to Cheetor before the video feed cut off.

*What... what does this mean?* I asked. *Cheetor, what did you see? What did I do?*

"You showed me the 16 Y/D! They all exist in you and are now one! You are beginning to understand the Anomaly!" Cheetor exclaimed excitedly.

*I'm afraid I'm still very much confused.*

"I'm just as lost Cheets." Hot Rod said.

"It's difficult to explain, but parts of him that were broken are repairing! He saw the 16 become The One! That's what he showed me when he took the Allspark."

"16? The One? What in the name of Primus are you talking about?" Bumblebee asked.

"Again, it's difficult to explain. But I have a feeling we will get answers very soon."

A/n I did remove the original chapter because i wanted to move things around sooooo yeah. I have such a huge amount of lore for this version of Y/D I want to freaking spill so badly!

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