29: Siege

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"Okay, you ready Y/D?" Hot Rod asked as Cheetor, Bumblebee, and myself all loaded up in a separate shuttle from the others as we prepared to pull a sneaky on the Decepticons.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I said with a small smile. "Cheetor, Bumblebee, you guys ready back there?"

"We are ready. Take us down sky master!" Cheetor said.

"You grounders better hang on then." I said with a smirk.

"Y/D, launch!" Optimus signaled through the comlinks.

"Copy that. Launching with stealth team for sector 6." I then initiated the launch sequence and darted out of the hanger high above Cybertron. "Hang on back there and be ready to move!" I then activated the thrusters and cut through the skies above, Cheetor yelping and Hot Rod cheering with Bumblebee.

"Whoo hoo! This is AWESOME!" Bumblebee exclaimed as we zipped through the sky.

"Target locked, dropping the package." I informed Optimus. I then set the ship for a crash course and grabbed the 3 bots under my arms before kicking out the side hatch and exposing us to the rush of wind. "Hang on!" I then lept out of the ship and used my heel thrusters to slow us down to the drop zone, all 3 bots clinging to me for dear life. Once we were on solid ground, they let go of me, and Cheetor looked like he was ready to purge his tanks. Thankfully, he didn't.

"Okay, we are on the ground. Let's take cover and wait for the signal." Hot Rod said. We then all snuck above where the others Autobots were battling the Decepticons, careful not to make a sound the entire time. Despite my large size, I was probably the most silent of the group. Then again, my former profession may have been the blame.

"I still don't get why Y/D is here instead of down there." Cheetor whispered.

"It's because he has no weapon, remember? Shatterfang was destroyed when he opened that weird Vault and had that Matrix shoved in him." Hot Rod said as he spotted a hiding place for us. As the trio made their way over, I saw Megatron below battling Optimus, and I made the mistake of looking directly at the one I once called a sire.

"Y/D?! How in Pits do you keep living?!" Megatron roared as he chucked Optimus aside. I knew I had to act fast in order to keep the trip safe.

"Sire! Please stop this!" I said as I jumped down and held my hands up. "We don't need to keep fighting!"

"Shut your mouth, boy!" He barked as he charged at me and attempted to swing only for me to teleport away. "What?!"

"Sire, this madness has to stop!" I begged as I dodged another swing.

"Shut up!" Megatron bellowed as he continued to swing, unaware that I was leading him away from the Allspark and the trio of young bots

"Why do you hate me so much?! What happened to my sire?!" I cried as I dodged another swing. "Why must you keep hurting me!"

"Shut up, shut up, shut up! You sound just like her!" Megatron roared, and I knew the answer to his rage towards me and his irradic love-hate. It's because of my carrier and the fact that her death was his fault.

"You want to kill me just like her?! Then do it as a warrior!" I shrieked as I charged the warlord and tackled him to the ground.

"Y/D no!" Optimus exclaimed.

"Stay out of this prime! This is a family matter!" Megatron barked before chucking me to the side. I landed on my feet and skidded to a halt before raising my battle mask and charging him again. I jabbed Megatron in the face, and then roundhouse kicked his chassis, sending the warlord flying back.

"Y/D, look out!" One of the Autobots yelled. I turned around just in time for Shadowstriker to swing her machete down and land a gash on my arm. I hissed in pain, but I swallowed it and grabbed the femme by the waist and chucked her across the battlefield.

"Decepticons! Take down Y/D! Now!" Megatron ordered as his fight with the Prime re-engage. Several Decepticons open fired on me, and a bubble of telekinetic energy shielded me from harm.

"Well, that's another new one." I said. "Let's see what else I can do." The shielding then sizzled out of existence, and I charged head first at the stunned Decepticons. Using my telekinetic power, I ripped a chunk of ground up and chucked it at them, followed by a blast of what appeared to be pure electrical energy that zapped out of my palm. "Yet another weird addition, that's like, 3 in one sitting!"

"I got him!" Clobber yelled as she charged at me. I then teleported away and telekinetically tossed the femme into Lockdown and Dead-end.

"Sorry, Clobber!" I called as I charged at the others. These sorts of shenanigans and tactics would continue for quite some time, but I began to grow more and more exhausted the longer the struggle went on. I felt like I was slipping away the more and more of the power that I used, white glowing lettering creeping up my frame and the color fading from my optics. It was like I was no longer there. It was the same feeling I had gotten when my powers first awoken, only this time there was no emotion behind them. There was nothing.

I continued to fight on and on and on until Megatron managed to break away from his brawl with Optimus, and he opened fired on me. But the shots went right on through as if I had become a ghost.

"What the?" He gasped as he stepped away.

"We are done fighting you." I said, although my voice did not sound like my own. I then teleported to where Hot Rod, Cheetor, and Bumblebee had found a new hiding spot, and I collapsed onto my hands and knees with heavy and labored vents.

"Y/D! Are you okay?" Cheetor asked.

"I'll live." I strained as I shook off the exhaustion I felt. "This battle is going on forever, I don't think they can break through." 

"Dammit! We're sitting scraplets out here!" Bumblebee said.

"Maybe not." Hot Rod said. "Windblade just found us a way in. Y/D, do you think you can keep up, big guy?"

"I'll have to if we are to win this one." I then followed the young bots to the point where Windblade had signaled, dodging and weaving through rubble and debris and then down what looked to be a collapsed tunnel.

"Come on! This way!" Hot Rod said as we all dove down into the tunnel.

"Ugh... I hate being underground!" I muttered nervously. "Reminds me too much of Sideways."

"Yeah, speaking of which, I've been meaning to ask." Hot Rod said. "Who is Sideways anyway?"

"Believe it or not, we were friends as younglings before my carrier passed. We would get into trouble a lot and often end up in systems like this."

"I take it you weren't exactly the greatest cave explorer?" Cheetor asked.

"Not at all." I chuckled. "One time, we found an old tunnel system so long that we ended up somewhere south of Kaon. Boy, did my carrier and sire give me an audial full when they located us popping out of a storm drain covered in all sorts of gunk."

"Sideways said that you owed him something when he took your voice. Why?" Hot Rod asked.

"Before the war, he and I were paired up for missions. One day, I really screwed up on a mission, and I knew I would get the scrap kicked out of me if Megatron found out. So Sideways took the fall despite me telling him not to."

"Man, you really had a dysfunctional life." Bumblebee teased.

"Bee, you better be thankful I like you cause I'd whack the slag out of you if I didn't." I snorted. Suddenly, Hot Rod slipped and fell down a collapsed section of the tunnel. "Hot Rod!"

"It's okay! Whoa! Watch your step!" Hot Rod said as he disappeared from view.

"Primus almighty he is going to be the death of me. Come on, you two, Optimus can't hold the Decepticons off forever."

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