37: The Scientist

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"Wakey wakey, my little Anomaly." I heard a voice say through the fog of my mind. "Come now, a little jolt to the head is nothing compared to what I have in store." My optics slowly opened, and I found myself hung upright with my arms and legs spread eagle before me a buck-toothed Quintesson smirking back.

"Wh... where am I?" I rasped.

"You are in my laboratory Anominon, or do you prefer Y/D? It's hard to keep track of your iterations sometimes."

"Why am I here?" I asked as I struggled to move in my restraints only to have a jolt of electricity shoot through me.

"Why, to face a repeated fate."

"Wait... you're the Scientist right?" I asked.

"Oh, so you do remember me?" He asked as he floated about.

"I remember your voice. Was never good with faces. Especially those who tend to have multiple."

"I wouldn't sass him if I were you." Another familiar voice said. I turned my head and could not believe my optics.

"Sideways? What are you doing here?"

"He is of no importance." The Scientist said. "Just someone to keep the rodents out."

"Sideways... why would you work with these.... things?" I asked.

"They pay well, and usually they don't give me cryptic tasks. Except for the whole voice thing. Speaking of which, how the slag are you able to talk?"

"Dunno." I said.

(A/n the reason is because I got tired of writing in asterisks, and so i gave him his voice back)

"It doesn't matter. Go back to cleaning the Anomaly fragment." The Scientist said.

"Anomaly fragment?" I asked curiously as my optics followed a reluctant Sideways to some sort of piece of armor that appeared to be the flight of a gold and navy blue wing.

"Do you not recognize it? I'm surprised you don't." The Scientist said. "I've kept it in perfect condition since we first met. A fragment of your former self. Unfortunatelythe rest of your form was destroyed by my incompetent cohorts, but this? This is priceless to me. A magnificent addition to my collection."

"So... you're saying that use to be part of me?" I asked.

"You truly do not remember, do you? It's such a shame. Perhaps another history lesson will do you some good?"

"Why bother? Aren't you going to kill me?"

"Ohoh, you can not be killed. We've tried many times. But no one can kill a god. Yet."

"That's the second time you've called me that. What are you talking about?" The Scientist then paused his floating and looked over to me with a freaky sort of smile.

"That is what you are. A dead god from a dead universe. Before we deemed the Anomaly unfit to exist, you were its god. I believe you are familiar with the dichotomy that is Primus and Unicron, correct?"

"All bots know that story. What of it?"

"In your universe, there was only you. The One did not split into the two brothers you and most of the multi-verse are familiar with. Instead, it sheared a fragment of its very essence, and thus, you were born. You were the creator, the destroyer, and the mediator all in one. It is one of the many reasons we decided your universe was unfit to exist."

"Then why did I die?" I asked. "When I first faced you, why did I die?"

"Your physical form died, but your spark did not. It can not die and never will. It is why we split it into 16 fragments and scattered them in unspace."

"Why 16?"

"Because it took us 16 tries to realize we could not snuff out your spark. It's a rather unusual thing, isn't it? But we were at the beginning stages of our quest for a perfect multi-verse, so we weren't entirely prepared for such a thing." The Scientist said before turning towards some sort of console. "Yet it seems your spark reforged itself, but you are still missing 1 vital piece."

"And what would thst piece be?" I asked suspiciously.

"The Matrix of Anomaly, your very heart. Without it, you can not even dream of becoming your former self again."

"What happened to this supposed matrix?" I asked while secretly praying that the Scientist wasn't aware that I had possession of it.

"Sealed away and no doubt destroyed. Your heart is dead, Anominon, and you will reenter the cycle of death yet again."

"And why would that happen?"

"He's asking too many questions!" Sideways interrupted. "You can not tell him!"

"I can tell him whatever I please. He has no chance of regaining his former might. Besides, this is the first time he's asked questions! Before, he would simply die within the loop." The Scientist snapped. "I must apologize for him. He's rather impatient. To answer your intriguing question, I will split your spark yet again, only this time it will be in even more pieces."

"Like, what? 27? 43? Oh, oh, 69! It's a nice number." I said in an effort to keep the Scientist talking and delaying whatever he had in store.

"He's completely lost it." Sideways grumbled.

"Oh really? I've lost it?" I snapped at him. "You're working with QUINTESSONS for crying out loud! I knew you were a greedy son of a glitch bit holy frag! Not even Swindle would stoop THAT low!"

"Why I outta!"

"Enough, Sideways." The Scientist said. "Quit antagonizing my test subject."

"Test subject?" I asked with a rather high amount of fear.

"Since you seem to be far more resilient than your other iterations, I think i will take the time to study you by slowly. Tearing. You. Apart." My optics widened in fear as the Scientist grabbed several tools, and a shriek of agony left me as he slowly cut into my frame. "Now, now, it would be best for you to remain quiet so I can focus." The Scientist then stuck some sort of gag into my intake, and my screams of pain were muffled behind it. The torture went on for hours, it seemed. Pieces of my armor were sliced off, and energon leaked from multiple incisions across my frame. My left leg was completely severed, and my arms were torn to shreds. I no longer had digits on my left hand, and most of my protoform and wiring were exposed. I was in agony as tears filled my optics. Only one bot came to mind.

'Hot Rod.'

As if summoned by an outside source, Hot Rod and Soundwave came barreling into the lab, Sideways jumping back and drawing his weapons. The Scientist then left me and hovered over to the pair.

"Welcome to my laboratory."

Wild Ride (Cyberverse Mech!reader X Hot Rod)Where stories live. Discover now