36: Leaders

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The tension in the room became thick and heavy as the Decepticons and Autobots separated themselves on either side of the oilhouse, just like they did a long time ago. But i knew this separation was a waste of time.

"I don't like this, Mac." I said to the old bot. "The tension in here is so thick you could cut it with a knife. Autobots on one side and Decepticons on another, it's like the war all over again."

"Not necessarily." Macadam said. "Sometimes it takes a 3rd party to unite the separated." And he was right, although I hated it.

"Alright, all of you listen up!" I piped up, catching both sides' attention. "We can't sit around here forever. We need a plan and fast."

"You expect me to work with an Autobot?" Soundwave grumbled as he stood from the booth he, Clobber, and Dead-end were occupying.

"Soundwave, let's hear Y/D out." Hot Rod said as he also stood from his booth.

"And why should we? He betrayed the Decepticons." Soundwave growled.

"In this case, there are no Decepticons or Autobots." I said in a strong commanding tone similar to that of my sire's. "The longer we play this game, the less time the others have, and the closer the Quintessons get to victory."

"This is stupid, I'm not listening to you." Soundwave grumbled. Now I was getting pissed.

"Soundwave, you do not understand the danger we are facing." I said coldly.

"Yeah, the danger is your stupidity in thinking we would side with the Autobots!"

"I'm not asking you to side with them. I'm asking for you to work with them."

"Why should we work with them, huh?" Whirl piped up. "They clearly don't want to work with us!"

"No one asked your opinion flyboy." Soundwave growled.

"ENOUGH!" I barked. "This isn't the time to be bickering like a bunch of sparklings!"

"He's right." Hot Rod said. "The longer we delay, the less time the others get. I have a plan, but I'm going to need both sides' help on this."

"We won't be following your orders because I'm taking over." Soundwave said coldly.

"No, you aren't! You have no idea of the danger we are in!" Hot Rod protested.

"I know you can't be trusted and that you don't have any idea what you are doing."

"You take that back!" Whirl piped up.

"Stay out of this." Hot Rod said. The two mechs began to argue back and forth for what seemed like an eternity until I had had enough. I stepped in between the two and shoved them away from each other with a really annoyed look on my face.

"That's enough! Both of you!" I snapped. "If you two don't put your differences aside and cooperate with eachother there everything and everyone will die."

"You're just siding with the Autobots because you're a traitor!" Soundwave snapped.

"I am siding with no one, and that's final!"

"Wait, why doesn't Y/D lead?" Clobber suggested. "Isn't he like, neutral ground?"

"Don't be an idiot!" Soundwave said. Hot Rod, however, wasn't sure of what to think of the suggestion, and it was written all over his face.

"Y/D said he didn't want to take the lead." Hot Rod said.

"So which one of you will?" Dead-end asked.

"Me." Both Hot Rod and Soundwave said.

"This is getting ridiculous." I muttered. "Hot Rod, Soundwave, each of you will command your respective team, but you will have to do it together. Am I clear?" Aparently, my tone resonated with the two as they looked at each other and nodded. "Good. I'm glad we finally got somewhere."

"So what do we do?" Hot Rod asked.

"We need to capture a bailiff. The prosecutors are too simple-minded to be of any use." I said.

"Wait, you're not suggesting what I think you're suggesting?" Hot Rod asked.

"Catch one of the Sharkticons, and I can pull the information right out of its processor."

"I would strongly advise against that Y/D. You are still in recovery from the Quintessons invading your mind and the attempt to contact a titain." Perceptor said. "It could cause irreversible damage."

"If I go mad preventing a universe from being torn to shreds, then so be it. I am willing to put my life and sanity down to defeat the Quintessons and rescue the others."

"What you are suggesting is suicide!" Perceptor argued. "You'll deactivate yourself!"

"Y/D, please. We can interrogate one of the bailiffs like you suggest. But not with a risk for your wellbeing." Hot Rod said.

"Ugh, why do you care so much about him?" Soundwave grumbled.

"Don't ask stupid questions, Soundwave." I said defensively. "Let's move."


"Think this will work?" Hot Rod whispered to me as we pressed our backs to a wall.

"It will have to. The Quintessons really want to get their ugly little things on me. Soundwave, are you in position?" I called through the comlink.

"Of course we are." He said with a snarky tone.

"Okay, here it goes." I then stepped out into the open and stood right in the center of our ambush, my head turning to the sky where I saw our target ordering a group of prosecutors. "OI! SHORT, UGLY, AND TOOTHY!" I yelled, catching the Sharkticon's attention. "YEAH! YOU! I WANNA TALK TO YOU! I HAVE SOMETHING YOU WILL WANT!" The Sharkticon and his little army glided down towards me and landed with a soft thud, his optics shifting suspiciously at me.

"You... you're the one the Quintesson Judge is so afraid of?" The Sharkticon laughed.

"Oh, trust me, I am super scary when I want to be, but before you attempt to take me away, I just have a question for you."

"And what would that question be?"

"How does it feel to have your aft constantly probed by these bulbus freaks? Like, are you guys into that or?" I taunted while pointing to the now very angry Quintesson prosecutors. "I mean, there's this planet I was on for a while with a species that LOVES this sort of stuff. Don't ask me why. They just do. But seriously, are Sharkticons just as freaky with their fun time as they look? Like, ugly freaky?" Aparently my taunts worked because the Sharkticon was PISSED.


"NOW!" I called as a signal to the others only to find no one there. "Oh, scrud." The next thing I knew, I had 6 Quintessons on me, and I was completely immobilized in a ball of tentecals. I tried to teleport away but found I couldn't much to my horror. I tried using telekinesis, and even that failed.

"We've upgraded a little just for you, Anominon." The Sharkticon snickered. "Take him away!"

"Guys! A little help?!" I called out only to be clocked over the head really hard, the impact knocking me out.

Wild Ride (Cyberverse Mech!reader X Hot Rod)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin