24: Nightmare of Gods

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*Ratchet, I'm fine.* I signed to the medic.

"Epepepep, no, you are not. You are still recovering, and I need to make sure your spark isn't going to give out." Ratchet scolded. I then angrily signed something to him and shot him a death glare before he smacked the back of my head with his hand. "You better wash your hands for saying that."

"How is he, Ratchet?" Optimus asked as he and Hot Rod entered the medical bay.

"Stubborn as all Pits." Ratchet huffed. "His spark is irregular, and there are other vitals that are far from normal, yet he seems to be fully functional."

*like I said a thousand times. I am fine.*

"Y/D, just give it one more day? Please?" Hot Rod said with an adorable expression akin to that of a sparkling begging for an energon sweet. I gave him a defeated sigh and laid back down so Ratchet could finish his work.

He ended up needing to put me into stasis, and I reluctantly complied. Normally, one didn't dream when they were in stasis. For some reason, I did. But it was less of a dream and more like an avalanche of horrifying death.

The same scene played out in my mind of my death, each time a different cause, and each time the universe I was supposed to guard would be torn asunder. I could feel it's death over and over again and again. It was never ending, and I wanted to scream, but no sound would ever escape.

'Make it stop!' I begged silently to the abyss of neverending death and destruction. 'Please make it stop!' No one heard my cries. No one could ever hear them. I had no voice. 'Someone... help me...' While I was trapped in my never-ending cycle on the outside, alarms were blaring, and Ratchet was struggling to keep me stable.

"What's happening?!" Hot Rod asked fearfully.

"I don't know! His brain module and spark chamber readings are going nuts!"

"Wake him up!"

"I can't! Go get Windblade!"

"What? Why?"

"She might be able to get him out of whatever is happening!" Hot Rod nodded, and he and Optimus rushed out to find the city speaker. Hot Rod practically dragged her back to the med bay where I was now strapped down.

"What's going on?" She asked with confusion. "Why is he tied down?"

"He started thrashing, and I was worried he would hurt himself." Ratchet said. "I think he's having some sort of memory loop, and it's causing his spark and mind to disconnect from each other."

"What does that mean?" Hot Rod asked.

"Bad news. He's tearing himself apart from the inside. "

"I'll see what I can do." Windblade said. The femme then crossed her legs as she sat on the floor and entered my mind. Chaos rang loudly all around, followed by shattering memories and screaming. My screaming.


'Y/D, listen to me!' Windblade called to me as she floated about the chaos. She was then forced out so hard that her frame was flung back to the floor.

"Scrap!" She groaned. "He pushed me out!"

"Let me try." Hot Rod said as he grabbed the cable for a cortacle psychic patch.

"Hot Rod, are you crazy?!" Ratchet exclaimed. "It could kill you! Or worse!"

"He saved my life more than once! It's my turn to save his!" Before either of them could argue, Hot Rod hooked up the cable to the back of my head and to his own. Instantly, he was transported into my mind where he saw the horrors and shattering memories, only I stead of screaming, he heard nothing but a faint static.

'Y/D? Where are you, big guy?' He called out as he traversed through the ruins of my mind. 'Everything is going to be okay. Where are you?'

'Hot... Hot Rod?' My voice echoed back.

'Yeah, it's me! Where are you?'

'I-I don't know! Something is happening to me! It hurts so much!'

'What's hurting you?'

'I don't know! It all hurts! Hot Rod, I'm scared!' Those words were rare for me to utter, and he knew he had to find me.

'I'm coming for you, Y/D! Keep talking, and I'll find you!' Hot Rod started to run through the shattered memories that littered the space, shards of them cutting into his vestige and sending pain through him. He ignored it and continued to run where he saw my core concious curled up in a tight ball with scrunched optics and my hands on my aufials. 'Y/D?' I looked up at him with wide pale optics filled with tears. 'Hey, it's okay. Everything is going to be okay.'

'You.' A thundering yet ethereal voice said. Hot Rod whipped around and saw the titain form that Starscream had witnessed. Other forms of the same being came into view and fused together into one being, one that shared my face. 'Bring us to the in-between. We need your help.'

'Who are you?' Hot Rod asked the figure.

'Anomaly.' Was all the titain said before fading away. Hot Rod then turned his attention back to my shaking form and gently pulled me into a hug.

'I've got you big guy.' He said quietly. The chaos died down and faded to a blank void as Hot Rod was disconnected from the patch. His optics opened, and he looked over to my peacefully resting frame with a small smile.

"I don't know what you did, Hot Rod, but you got his system to stop tearing itself apart." Rstchet said. "But now I need to check on you to make sure you aren't all scrambled."

After some time, I was brought out of stasis, and I opened my optics with a yawn.

*man, that was a weird dream.* I signed before noticing Ratchet checking on Hot Rod. * What happened? Are you okay?* I asked in rapid succession with a panicked expression.

"I'm fine, big guy, don't worry." Hot Rod laughed. "I'll be out of here in no time just like you."

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