"There will be no ties at the Winter Cup. Let's settle things then." Takao walked up to Kuroko who smiled at the Hawk Eye user.

"I couldn't ask for more." The phantom man smiled.

The whole stadium clapped in amazement at the game, "What a good game." Momoi smiled, she and Kise watching from the stands.

"With a score of 104 to 104, it's a tie! Bow!"

"Thank you very much!"

"Tetsu-kun! Kagami!" You were seen running towards them.

"Oh no...!" Kagami's face turned to fear to see how fast you were running at them.

You didn't give them time to think and jumped in them, "You did amazing! I'm so proud of you both!"

The three of you were seen in the middle of the court, on the ground thanks to you.

"Ouch! Did you forget we just finished a game?! MY LEGS ARE CRAMPING FROM JUMPING!" Kagami scolded you as you only ignored him and turned to Kuroko who smiled your way.

"Tetsu-kun! Tetsu-kun! Tetsu-kun! You did amazing out there!" You shook his shoulders a bit.

"Thank you, (Y/N)-san. I'm glad you thought my performance was good." He replied as you three all stood up.

"One more game and we're going to the Winter Cup!" You smiled in determination towards the two.

The two smiled back, "Yeah!"

You turned to Hyuga and the others who flinched at the glint in your eyes, "Uh oh..." Hyuga mumbled, knowing you'd run over and congratulate them aggressively.

"Hyuga-san! Izuki-san! Kiyoshi-san!" You smiled going over to them.

"We can't run away can't we...?" Izuki asked the captain, "No...We must take it on like men!" Hyuga said in determination, though he was also scared.

"You did it!" You hugged both Izuki and Hyuga, the two of the males were surprised at the affection.

"T-T-Thank you, (Y/N)." Hyuga stuttered, his face completely red with Izuki's as well.

Izuki, of course, was able to act like he always does even when embarrassed, "Aw! How sweet of you, (Y/N)-chan!~" Izuki hugged you back while you chuckled at his antics.

"Stop it with that smile, Izuki!" Hyuga yelled at his friend who only ignored him as he was on cloud 9 from being hugged by you.

"YOU PERVERT!" Riko hit Izuki in the back of the head, getting him to stop pressing himself against you, "OW!" He retorted in pain, holding his head.

"You were trying to get squished by them, weren't you?! You creep! Don't do that to (Y/N)-chan!" Riko pulled Izuki's ear.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Okay, okay! Okay! I get it!" He yelled.

You only tilted your head, "Huh...?"

Hyuga only waves it off and pats your head, "Don't question it. He's normally like this."

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