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Sun's p.o.v.

After the incident with Naya's father I noiced she had become quiet and stayed to herself for the rest of the day. I buised myself with the other children while keeping an eye on her and soon all of the children had gone home and the daycare closed for the day. Once they had all left I sighed and began cleaning up the daycare when I noticed I didn't see Naya anywhere.

"Where did she run off to this time?" Moon asked and we looked around the daycare for awhile trying to find her.

"Naya where'd you go?" I called but didn't get a response.

"Starlight where are you? It's time to come out." Moon called and there was still no response. I sighed knowing this was because her father made an appearance and went up to our room to see if she was there.

Once there I looked inside our room to find her there sitting on the bed underneath a few blankets. I smiled sadly as I entered the room and pretended I didn't know she was there.

"Where could our little Sunshine be?'

"I don't know Sun. But it doesn't look like she's in here. Maybe we missed her in the daycare." Moon spoke playing along and I heard a small giggle coming from the bed.

"What was that? I swear I heard an adorable little giggle." I stated and watched the blankets move a little.

"So did I. But I don't see anything in here. I think we just imagined it."

"I think so too. Let's go back out and look for her again in the daycare." I suggested and pretended I left the room and actually snuck up behind her. I waited until she peeked out from under the blankets before quickly scooping her up and into my arms as she squealed.

"There's our little Sunshine!  I gotcha and I'm never letting go!" I exclaimed and she laughed in my arms while playfully pushing against my face.

When Naya calmed down, I sat down on the bed and sat her on my lap as se smiled up at me.

"How are you doing Dewdrop?" I asked and her smile faded as she looked down and she began fiddling with her plushies of us.

"Well fiddlesticks! This won't do at all! I can't have my little Sunshine all mopey and sad. Why don't we go and visit a good friend of mine? Does that sound like fun?" I asked and she shrugged. I was determined to cheer her up, so I got up with her in my arms and left our room before jumping into the ballpit.

"You're not taking her to see him are you?" Moon asked in my head but I just smiled and left the daycare with Naya in my arms.

When we left, I made sure to watch out for Vanessa and slowly made my way to DJ Music Man's area. I knew he wouldn't be busy since the pizzaplex was now closed and hoped he wouldn't mind some company. On our way however, I froze hearing a voice behind me and slowly turned my torso around to see Freddy and Monty.

"Oh hello Sun? What are you doing out? Hello Superstar" Freddy greeted but Naya kept her head down and both of them seemed to notice.

"What's up kid? Ya seemed bummed out." Monty asked and I looked down at Naya who turned her head away from them, refusing to speak. I sighed and rubbed her back a little as I turned my attention to the two in front of us.

"Her father showed up today and tried to get her to leave with him."

"And? She should've gone. He is her father." Monty stated bluntly and the lights to the pizzaplex went out allowing Moon and I to switch out.

Moon's p.o.v.

"Are you stupid or just that much of annoying prick?" I asked annoyed and he snarled t me.

"Look all I'm sayin is she ain't our responsibility. If her old man wants her back then I say let her go. " He said and I frowned as I got ready to punch the stupid gator in his ugly face.

"Now let's just take a second and calm down before we say or do something we regret." Freddy suggested, standing in between us and I looked at him.

"Trust me Freddy when I say that I won't regret what I'm about to do if that gator doesn't shut his trap." I promised and Monty pushed Freddy aside and got in my face.

"Oh yeah? And what're ya gonna do bout it?" He challenged and I felt Freddy take Naya from me.  Now knowing she was safe, I squared up to Monty not afraid to hold back.

"You do remember that I can take you apart piece by ugly green piece right? Or should I remind you of that." I threatened and to my surprise he didn't back down.

"Ya know I'm gettin real tired of you pushing me around. I ain't scare of ya." He spat and I planted my palm into his snout and shoved him backwards into the ground. I heard a satisfying crunch as his head hit the ground.

"Is that so? Then maybe I should remind you why you should be afraid. Remember you're nothing but an idiotic overgrown lizard and I won't be afraid to beat you into the ground and remind you of that fact." I growled as he struggled under me when I suddenly heard Freddy shout.

"Naya wait! Come back!" Freddy cried and I turned to see Naya running away.


Naya's p.o.v.

I ran from them all not knowing where I was going but I knew I had to get away. I don't know why but whenever I'm around everyone fights. I just wanted it to stop so I did the only thing I knew would stop the fighting and ran. I heard Sun and Moon shout for me but I didn't stop as tears began to blur my vision. As I ran I dropped my plushies of Sun and Moon and while I wanted to go get them I just couldn't stop.  Eventually I stopped and sniffled as I looked around not recognizing where I was. The room was large and filled with different colored lights and a large stage with what looked like speakers set up around it. As I wandered in I stopped and sat down on the edge of the stage and started crying as I held myself.

"Heya little bug what's got you so sad?"

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