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Naya's p.o.v.

"Sun? Moon?" I called looking around, I was in a bedroom I didn't recognize and was currently looking for any sign of Sun or Moon.

The room I was in had a double doored closet against the far wall and a white door on either side. It was quiet and I found it unnerving how the doors were all cracked open. I soon began to recognize the room as my bedroom back home and frowned as I sat up and slid off the side of the bed. I wanted out of this room as soon as possible and wanted to find Sun and Moon and get out of here fast. I didn't know why I was back here but I knew I had to get out.

I slowly made my way to the door on the left and peeked out seeing it was pitch black down the hall and I bit my lip nervously. The house was deathly still and silent while the moonlight from the window in the hallway cast shadows on the wall that my imagination took over with. I whimpered frightened but took a deep breath and pushed forward knowing I had to be brave if I wanted to find Sun and Moon.

"Sun? Moon? Where are you?" I called again but still got no response from them.

I eventually made my way into the living room and heard soft voices which eased my fright a bit until the person speaking stood and I recognized them. My mother. She turned to face me and gave a harsh glare as she stomped over and roughly gripped my arm making me cry out in pain.

"Mama please stop that hurts!" I cried but her grip on my arm only tightened as she dug her sharp nails into it.

"Shut up you little brat. And don't call me that. Like I would ever want to be your mother." She spat hatefully and I flinched at her tone. I knew she didn't care about me but something about what she said stung and I whimpered again.

With that she began dragging me into the kitchen and towards the door that led to the basement. I froze for a moment terrified and began struggling against her when I snapped out of it.

"Please no! Please I don't wanna go down there! It's scary! I'll be good, I promise, just please don't put me down there!" I pleaded and she opened the door keeping her hold on my arm. That was until she let go and I was confused until I felt a sharp sting on my cheek and tears began welling up as I realized she had just smacked me.

"Shut the fuck up! I don't give a shit if you want to go down there or not, I don't want to deal with your pathetic whining." She growled and pushed me down the stairs making me tumble the full way down until I landed on the cold, hard cement.

Groaning, I sat up and looked up to see her staring down at me from the top of the stairs. She didn't say anything as she turned and slammed the door shut leaving me in pitch black. I whimpered and crawled over to the corner of the room hugging myself as I quietly cried.

"Sunny, Moon, where are you? I wanna go home please. I'm scared." I whined and stayed where I was crying as I buried my head in my knees.

"Naya...Naya...Come on startlight wake up. Naya!"

"AHHH!" I screamed jolting awake and was immediately in a soothing embrace.

"Easy starlight we've got you. Shh it's okay, you're alright just relax."

I hiccuped and looked up to see I was in Moon's arms as he held me close to him doing his best to calm me down. Seeing him was all it took for me to break down and I began sobbing into his chest as he rubbed my back gently.

"That's it starlight, let it out. You're okay. I promise you're safe. It was just a dream." He assured and I clung to him tightly as I trembled still frightened by my nightmare. Eventually I had calmed down enough to talk but I refused to move from Moon's lap and he seemed okay with that.

"Do you want to talk about it Starlight?" Moon asked and I thought about it for a moment not fully sure if I wanted to tell him about what had scared me so badly. I was afraid that if I told him I'd start crying again and I didn't want to do that. He seemed to notice my hesitance because he tilted my head up to look at him as he gently wiped my tears away.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to starlight. I just thought it might make you feel better. You had us worried there Naya." Moon explained while rubbing my back and I sniffed.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you."

"No no Sunshine! You don't need to apologize for anything! We heard you crying in your sleep and when we couldn't wake you up we got worried that's all." Sun spoke up suddenly and I smiled a bit as I hugged them.

"Do you want to talk about it at all Starlight?" Moon asked again softly and I nodded while absentmindedly playing with the frill around Moon's neck

"I-I was back home. I couldn't find you anywhere and everything was so quiet and dark." I started while Moon got up and sat in the beanbag chair he kept in the corner of the room. The area was mostly lit up by fairy lights shaped like stars and I thought it was pretty.

"I thought you left me and when I left my room to try and find you I...I found..." I shuddered on the verge of crying again as I felt a lump from in my throat.

"Easy Starlight, don't force yourself to tell us. Take your time."

"We promise we're not going anywhere Sunshine."

I smiled a bit at them feeling a bit better and took a deep breath as I continued.

"I found my mom. mad when she saw me and grabbed my arm before dragging me to the basement door. She smacked my face and pushed me down the stairs." I stopped quickly when I heard a growl come from Moon, scaring me.

Moon's p.o.v.

I growled hearing about Naya's dream and my grip on her tightened slightly. Dreams like these usually are caused by the same thing being done in real life. Which meant Naya's abuse was worse than we thought.

"It's okay Naya, there's nothing to be afraid of" Sun said and I looked down to see Naya watching me scared. It was then I realized how tight my grip had gotten and I quickly relaxed my hold.

"I'm sorry Starlight, I didn't mean to scare you. It just makes me so mad when I hear how you were treated." I explained and she nodded understanding.

"What happened next Sunshine?" Sun encouraged and I watched as she played with my collar.

"She yelled at me and locked me in the basement. It felt so real, I thought I was home and you grew tired of me." She finished and I held her close to me as she began crying again.

"Never. We will never leave you. We love you so much Starlight. And if someone tries to take you from us we will do whatever we can to stop them."

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