Time Out

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Naya's p.o.v.

"H-how are you both talking?" I asked confused and looked up to see it was still Sun holding me but his right eye was red and not white like I was used to. His face also seemed different and more expressive than the last time I saw him.

"It's part of our upgrades Starlight. Now we can both speak to you if we want." Moon explained through Sun and we suddenly stopped in front of a wall behind one of the play structures. I looked up at him confused and Sun smiled down at me.

"We keep the cleaning station in a hidden room so there's privacy when children make a big mess of themselves. Can't have messy kids running around can we Sunshine?" He explained and I looked away trying to plan my escape for when he set me down.

"Don't even think about it Starlight. Unless you want to be in more trouble than you already are." Moon warned harshly and I flinched realizing I couldn't get anything past the two brothers.

"But I don't want a bath. It hurts." I whined and Sun suddenly stopped and set me down on the edge of the small tub against the wall.

"What do you mean it hurts Sunshine?" Sun asked tilting his head and I frowned.

"Mommy always makes the water too hot. It burns." I answered and I could her Moon growl.

"Son of a bi-"

"BISCUIT!!! He was going to say biscuit! Right Moon!?" Sun suddenly blurted cutting Moon off and I heard him groan annoyed.

The two seemed to be distracted with arguing with each other so I slowly crawled away from them and towards the door. I squealed however when I was picked up by Sun who's eyes were now back to normal letting me know Moon wasn't going to talk anymore. I looked up at Sun laughing nervously as he shook his head.

"You're not getting out of this Sunshine. I have to admit it's my fault you've gotten so dirty because I got distracted with everything else going on but now that I'm aware of it, you're going to get a bath."

With that he set me on his lap and started the water letting it warm up. I quickly pulled his arm away as he reached his hand into the water and he looked at me noticing my concern.

"Don't worry Naya I'm fully waterproof so it won't hurt me. I appreciate your concern though Sunshine." Sun assured and I nodded watching as he placed his hand in the water to check the temperature. When the bath was ready he opened a drawer in the cabinet and showed it to me.

"Go ahead and pick out a toy and bath bomb Sunshine!" He offered and I looked inside pulling out a yellow rubber duck and a dark blue bath bomb with silver and gold stars in it.

"Sun why do you have these?" I asked confused and he smiled as he placed both in the tub turning te water a dark blue color.

"Well we have had children like you who don't like baths so we use these to help them feel better! Now come on let's get you all cleaned up!" He encouraged and began helping me undress before setting me in the bath. I tensed waiting for the burn of the hot water only to be surprised by how ...pleasant it felt.

"Does it hurt at all Sunshine? Is it too warm or cold?" Sun asked and began adding bubbles to the water and I shook my head as I grabbed the duck and began playing with it.

With that Sun smiled and began gently washing me while humming to himself. I had to admit it felt nice and I didn't mind it at all. Once he was finished he drained the bath and dried me off with a fluffy towel before helping me get dressed and picking me up happily.

"Ta Da! All clean and good as new! Doesn't that feel better Sunshine!?" Sun asked twirling around and I nodded a bit.

"Thank you Sunny" I said and kissed his cheek giggling as his rays spun and he smiled brightly.

"You're very welcome Sunshine! Now although you were good for me you need to go to time out because you still caused trouble for the others."

"I didn't mean too I'm sorry."

"I know you are Sunshine but you still need to go in time out. Since you were good during your bath you'll only be there for ten minutes." Sun said and carried me to the time out room, setting me down and crouching down to my level.

"I'll be back before you know it Sunbeam." Sunny assured and I watched as his right eye turned red again as Moon spoke.

"We both will Starlight." He confirmed and he hugged me before leaving and shutting the door.

Sun's p.o.v.

"I have a plan." Moon suddenly spoke as I shut the door and I frowned.

"What do you mean you have a plan Moon? What are you up to?" I questioned as I began cleaning the daycare.

"Just listen to me Sun. I have a plan to be able to split but I need you to work with me."

"NO! There's no splitting up Moon! Who knows what would happen to us if we tried. Besides we don't even have another body you could go to. We could fry our system, or completely glitch our ai, or one of us might not wake up! Or or..."

"Sun..sun...SUN! Calm down! I know what I'm doing you just have to trust me. ...Please."

"I-I but what if it goes wrong? W-what about Naya? Oh stars I-I don't know about this Moon." I stuttered gripping my rays as I began to panic and Moon groaned getting annoyed.

"Sun please just trust me it'll be alright. Besides if we go through with it then I'll still need a lot of time to build a new body and get everything set up. I can make backups of our ai if that'll help you feel better." I sighed and picked up a barrel and began cleaning it.

"I-I don't know Moon. I agree it would be nice to separate-"

"Then trust me!"

I thought about it as I cleaned and sighed. It wasn't often that Moon asked for something let alone say please so I couldn't just turn him down.

"Oh alright. Just promise me everything will be alright. If anything starts going bad you'll stop. I don't want this to affect Naya."

"I promise. Thank you Sun. Now we should go get Naya. Her time out is over." Moon suggested and I dropped the barrel I was cleaning.

"Oh my stars! I almost forgot! I'm coming Sunshine! " I ran towards the time out room and opened the door to see Naya sitting on the floor playing with her plushies of us. I smiled softly at the adorable sight and slowly snuck up behind her tickling her sides.

"I gotcha Sunshine!" I cried and she giggled rolling around as I tickled her. I laughed picking her up and carried her out and back into the daycare.

"So what now Sunny?" She askd and I smiled liking the new nickname she gave me. I thought for a moment and looked around.

"Do you want to color until bedtime Sunshine?" I offered and she nodded. With that I set up the crayons and coloring pages.

We sat there for awhile just coloring and enjoying our time together and eventually it was bedtime. Naya helped me clean up and by the time we were finished she was getting ready to fall asleep while standing. I smiled and picked her up, shutting ff the lights in the daycare and switching out with Moon.

Moon's p.o.v.

I looked down at Naya in my arms and hummed content seeing she had already fallen asleep. Quietly, I made my way up to our room and lied down with Naya in my arms holding her close to my chest as I began playing music from the music box within. Naya nuzzled into my arms as she slept soundly.

"Sweet dreams little star" I muttered and kissed her forhead.

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