Soon out the door. Stolas sighs to follow him. It was just the four of them.

"So, is this going to be out of business or what?" Sallie asked around.

"Aren't you here for only another few weeks? A month or two?" Loona looked at her.

"Well, yeah. Close around that time it gets busier and can loose a lot of helping hands. But I don't want Ma to think she won with the freelance comment. The pay was good. Along with free healthcare from that book." Sallie will admit she had a great time. Besides new version of assholes. She got to try out new things. Interesting new kills and ideas up on Earth. Got to even go party in the Glutton ring and met the Queen Bee herself! See Moxxie again along with the rest of the crew. Just wish under better circumstances. Plus, it was just great, won't say it out loud, to hang out with their sister again. Millie truly loved this job. Got to be herself. Not hold back.

Millie snapped her fingers. "That's it. That's why Blitz doesn't want to give it up now. That healing spell."

"Couldn't we copy it on the printer?"

"If that was easy. Hell would have been triple chaotic."

"Wouldn't be surprise someone can if it something cheap. Heck, even a rip-off on the black-market. You can do it for potions."

"Even potion you got to be careful. Heard those can be pricy. Along with those who are old school will only buy it."

"Or want to get drinking."

"That too. Plus, I think many are focused if they were to buy a spell. It would be for that day."

"My ass is down in that elevator if that's the case."

"Same-Mox where you going?" The three see Moxxie already walking out the meeting room.

"Those postages need to be sent out. Only time to do it. I'll be back." Moxxie already out the room. Went to grab the envelopes on the table. Then they headed out.

"What's with fatty lately?"

Millie rubbed between her eyes to take a mental breath. "One stop calling him that. Two don't know."

"Was it that bomb shit?"

Millie and Sallie snorted together.

"As if. We don't some shits together. A lot of close calls with dynamites."

"Green fire no joke." Loona looks at the pair from her phone. "Maybe it got their panties in a twist. They have been getting a lot of close calls."

"Whelp no reason going back to Greed."

"Shame hoping to bring Mox to Loo Loo Land when it reopens."

In Blitz office.

"I want to keep the book." The book on the desk along with the crystal.

"Blitz, we talked about this."

"I don't think begging to be pounded in the sheets talking."

"You know what I'm talking about." Stolas arms crossed as he stares at Blitz behind his desk. "Blitz I'm trying to help your business. I really am. You won't be asked now about them. You even said so yourself. You and Fizz are talking again."

Blitz leans against his chair as he stares up at the ceiling. "Then what?"


"I give you the book back. What next? You're not going to come by to bother."

"I mean no. But I can still...Not this again." Stolas frowns at him. "Blitz, I thought we talked about this. I'm willing to hold my feelings-"

"Don't start with the feeling shit again Stolas. Just." Took a few deep breaths. "I can't right now."

Error wanted rest! Not be a Imp...Oh well 2.0 VersionWhere stories live. Discover now