Chapter 50

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Malina's parents are here. I have to impress them and convince them that I will take care of her and love her my whole life. I put Malina back in bed and stood up.

"Babe, are you ok? Oh my Babe Selena called us that you got shot and were kidnapped. Tell me are you ok?" Her mom asked.

His dad came to me and saw me furiously same as her brother. I ignore them and try to focus on  Malina.

"Yes, Mom I am completely okay don't worry," Malina replied.

They all hugged her. She smiles at them. Her parents and brother see me and ask Malina who I am.

"He is... he is my boyfriend Alexander Harper." She replies. They all are shocked.

"Alexander Harper who is a world-famous trillionaire." They all said at the same time. Malina nodded. They see each other in question.

"I am pregnant with his child. Mom and Dad I loved him he loves me want to marry him please approve this." Malina said.

They all get shocked. Watching me and their daughter. Her mother almost fainted. But? Everything is good now.

"Media is outside want to ask questions from Malina," Selena said.

"Who informs them? Let me handle it." I said. But, Malina grabs my hand.

"I will give an interview. I am ready." She said. I nodded.

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