Chapter 13

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Finally, I got normal. It's been two long months since I took a month's break. But I know my fans will understand me and my situation and I daily talk to them on my IG. They always ask me when will I rejoin the industry again. Now it's time to go back stronger and take my place as the best singer in the world.

Two months since I saw him first but I know he doesn't care whether I exist or not so let's move on from every chapter and create me again alone this time.

"Baby you are ready? The flight will be late please hurry up" my mom said.

I stand up and go to her kiss her cheeks and hug her right I'm going to miss her very much. She is my biggest support system. My family heals me now I have to prove to them that I will be fucking badass and the best in the world.
Now no one is here to stop me from achieving my goals. Now it's time to fly again.

"Let's go baby I will miss you so much," she said while crying.

I don't like to leave her alone like this but I have to do this for her sake at least I want to be the best daughter for her at least "I will miss you too please visit me for at least a month" I replied.

Dad came and hugged me tight "You are my superhero you know my baby girl I'm going to miss you a lot," he said.

"I will miss you too Dad please take care of Mom and Lan and take care of yourself," I said giving him the saddest smile.

"Let's go baby girl we are getting late for the airport," Lan said.

It's time to go to my destination.

Two and a half hours later.....

Finally, I'm here now let's rock once again. I will shine again.

Selena is waiting for me I reach her and give her the tightest hug I miss her too.

"Babe thank God you are back tell me are you feeling good now?" she said sadly.

"Yeah I'm alright and let's do it again I want to shine again" I smiled at her.

She smiled back and we finally reached my house I missed it too. Now there is no more time for rest let me write a new song for my fans.

I took seventy-two hours to write a perfect song for my comeback. Bell rings. I open the door and Selena stares at me in shock as if I'm an alien. 

"Malina, what's with your eyes? Were you crying? Is everything okay?" she said.

I signed and shook my head and gave her my new song which I had written in the last seventy-two hours. "Please tell me my mistakes," I said with a bright smile.

"Wow this is amazing babe you will rock and this song will be a super hit. I'm proud of you my babe," she said excitedly.

"Set cameras and team announced it on IG that I'm releasing a new song tomorrow sharp at eight p.m.," I replied.

"But sleep first your dark circles are annoying I will make arrangements for this don't you worry and get some sleep babe," she said and kissed me on the cheeks.

Well, I'm coming back now my era will start again I will rule this world finally.

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