Chapter 4

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Today I woke up early and got ready. I wear a pink frock with beautiful pink heels and put on light make-up. I can't wait to surprise my boyfriend and today I will ask him to fulfill his promise to marry me. I want to marry him and want children and a peaceful life.

I grab my bag and go to my car. Thank God today there is no media outside my house at this time. I have to reach out ASAP.

After twenty minutes finally, I'm here outside of my boyfriend's house. I have a spare key but he doesn't know about it yet well I want to surprise him. I open the door and quietly go inside. There is complete silence so I don't make a noise and directly go to his room. I open the door and see I can't believe what I'm watching. Tears slip on my face. My best friend and my boyfriend are sleeping with each other naked. I don't believe that they betrayed me. How can I so be dumb?

They both stir a little I hide myself and listen to their bullshits. I want to witness how they deceive me. My best friend woke up first and kissed him on the lips and he grabbed her and said "Darling you know how much I love you. I want you daily on my bed naked."

She shies away and tries to get up but he grabs her by her torso and kisses her. I closed my eyes and let tears slip. I was so dumb. I used to think I had everything but now I lost everything within a second.

I go for a door and something falls they both come on time and see me with guilt. My best friend reached me "Malina listen to me there is nothing between us please trust me" she said. I pull my hands away from her touch. I hate her how can she think am I blind or thing?

"Babe listen to me there is nothing between us we fell asleep we were drunk I thought she was you last night I was not in mind please trust me there is nothing. Whatever you see please forget this I love you only" he said.

"Am I looking dumb to you guys? I'm not blind OK? I hear what you guys say so please leave me alone. Don't ever try to reach me again. You know what I thought I had everything love friend who cared for me but no I was wrong you guys broke me. Are you happy? Now don't let me show your fucking faces ever again goodbye forever." I said and left.

After two days....

I don't sleep for two days. I'm crying like a pig. Why should I care if they don't? I should move on for me and my mental peace. I get up and go for a shower. I like hot showers but I reached for cold today. I can't feel anything now, like no pain no heartbreak nothing at all. I think I became heartless, and I think it's good for my sake. I switch off the shower grab a towel go to the mirror and see my reflection. I can't see who is standing there is it me or someone else? The girl in the mirror has dark circles and red puffy eyes from crying. This is ridiculous. I can't be like this over useless people.

I get ready hide my dark circles with makeup and grab my phone. There are fifty missed calls from my team and twenty texts from Selena. I called Selena after the first ring she picked up.
"Where were you? I was wondering if someone kidnapped you" she said.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm fine Selena. I need a break that's why I don't pick up any calls." I replied.

"I ring your house bells almost twenty times in two days like seriously if you want a break you can tell I got almost a heart attack," she said dramatically in her Russian accent.

"Yeah, I was just upset need time to think don't worry I'm good now." I signed.

She paused for a second. "What happened? Is everything alright? Your voice tells me something bad happens. Tell me babe I'm here for you."

I signed and tears slipped from my eyes I wiped them away. "I'm okay Selena give me a new schedule please I want to be busy."

"Okay I will be there after half an hour," she said and I cut the phone without answering.

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