Chapter 46

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I was crying when he came to remove his shirt and get over me. He tries to rape me. No man can touch me except Alexander. I tried hard to kick him but all in vain. I saw a lamp and tried to get it when I got that I threw it at him he fell back. I get up and run away from him. I fell on the floor but, I got up I had to get away from him asap.

I was running towards the forest. Don't know how will I survive this. I kept running I knew he was behind me but I used all my strength to run. I am crying and grab my stomach protectively. I have to survive for my child at least.

He threw a stick at me which hit my back. I fall on my face but, I save my stomach from hitting anything. He came over to me. I can't move he tries to rape me again. He touched me everywhere I wanted to kill him. But suddenly, his weight disappeared. I get up and see Alexander is here to save me. Finally, we are saved. I cried while he punched my ex very badly. I stopped him. He hugged me tightly.

I saw my ex standing pointing a gun at Alexander. No, no, no. I can't live without Alexander I have to save him. So I pushed him away and suddenly the gunshot hit me on my shoulder. I fall on the floor. Tears leaving me. I am going to die, never see Alexander anymore, never see my baby. This is the worst feeling ever. But, I saved Alexander's life. He will live for me. I closed my eyes and darkness took me away.

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